9800 Pro or 6600 GT?


Dec 23, 2004
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Hi guys, i need help in deciding which gfx card to purchase. i know the 9800 Pro is faster than the 6600 GT but its 2 years outdated. my budget is under $130. i play games often and i wanna enjoy sweet graphics from half life 2 and far cry. my pc specs are in the signature area. my case does not have enough ventilation so i might drill holes on the holes (very ghetto). im getting sick and tired of my integrated graphics. i dunno how big the cards are because there is a fat cable above my AGP slot for my input audio jacks and mic. i dun want the cable to hit the fan of the gfx card. i dun wanna get the 6800 LE cuz it bottlenecks my CPU.

here are the links i found for the gfx cards.

6600 GT - http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1182887&CatId=0

9800 Pro - http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1272638&CatId=0
Yeah, what bam23 said.

And order from Newegg.
thx, i didn know tigerdirect charges extra for tax.
honestly? 9800pro. get yourself a coolermaster fan aswell. or a heatsink. you can then o/c it so it runs faster.

ive got a 9800pro and having 1g of RAM really makes a difference. eg FEAR demo wasnt that playable as i would get loading spikes. 1g of RAM instead of 512 just made it flow so smoothly, with high settings and a few mediums thrown in.

sure games are getting more advanced, and you will probably want to upgrade again in a few years, but it certainly beats an intergrated card.

oh and plus nVIDIA are shite. ATI have no driver problems compared to nVIDIA. i used to be nVIDIA all the way until i bougth the 9800pro...never looking back
don't listen to them they're all being paid off by Nvidia. 9800 for teh win.
im sorry but you'd be an idiot to not buy the 6600gt...

Whoever said Nvidia has driver problems, just dont talk anymore.
uhh no. Nvidia HAD driver problems, and theyre only just starting to get better with the new line of who-is-stupid-enough-to-pay-this-amount graphics cards.

and even so, i meant the comparison between the problems nVidia drivers have compared to ATI's pretty much make ATI look perfect.

anyway, Nvidia even said their problems were due to the drivers!!! so i will talk and you get the facts right :E
i've never experienced any problems with Nvidia drivers, I have with ATI on the other hand.

And i Switch companies every time I update.

Ati Radeon 32mb DDR
Geforce 3 ti200 64mb
Radeon 9600XT 256mb
Geforce 7800GT 256mb
ATI drivers suck at OpenGL, and they have terrible Linux support (Tux Racer ran at 2fps :p).
Would upgrading my 9600xt to a 6600GT give me increased fps? I'm at 50 fps at the moment on Source.
PsychoFreak said:
Would upgrading my 9600xt to a 6600GT give me increased fps? I'm at 50 fps at the moment on Source.

well for source its not worth it but newer games yes hl2 as like the lowest min req. ever and still look great
The 6600gt is twice as fast in most cases. Only a fanboy would buy a card that is ALMOST TWICE as slow just for the name. The 9800pro was the best of its era but it is showing its age now.

Across the board, the 6600GT is a better buy than the 9800 Pro. There is no question that the performance is better across the board, and only gets better at higher resolutions. Add to that the fact that the feature set is a year newer, and there really isn't a debate.


"Under Doom 3, the 6600GT performs at a minimum of 27% faster than the 9800 Pro at the lowest resolution we tested. Ramping up in resolution only widened the gap between the cards. The 6600GT remains playable all the way through our testing, while the 9800 Pro falls to less than half the 6600GT's frame rate at our highest resolution. Not only is this generation's midrange card outperforming a top of the line card from last year, but technologically and dollar for dollar this 6600GT is the very clear winner here as well."

"The CS: Source VST also shows an increasing performance advantage with resolution. In two of the most demanding apps, the 6600GT is able to scale much better than its competition at this price point. These numbers are not as dramatic as the Doom 3 scores, but at the same time, NVIDIA cards have traditionally been stronger under OpenGL titles while ATI cards tend to hold there own when put to the DirectX test. Of course, this fact just amplifies the victory for the 6600GT."

"With the exception of UT2K4, Far Cry revives a trend: the 6600GT increases its lead in the benchmark as we increase the resolution. Far Cry didn't show as much favor toward the 6600GT as in Doom 3 or the Source VST, but the trend is still the same. While the 20% lead the 6600GT maintains at 1600x1200 is impressive, 37 fps may or may not be playable depending on how demanding of a gamer one may be. We like to see 40 to 45 fps in shooters at a minimum, but there is a subjective element to it, and we'll leave the final call to the reader."

"Another DirectX 9.0 game shows that the 6600GT card has a resolution scaling advantage over the 9800 Pro that gives it much more bang for the buck. Halo's performance advantage numbers fall somewhere between Doom 3's and the Source VST's. Between the 9800 Pro and the 6600GT, current and future games will definitely see more benefit from the NVIDIA card."

"ATI's 9800 Pro scales down better than the 6600GT here, but the NVIDIA card just outperforms the 9800 hands down."

"Once again, we see the 6600GT out performing and out scaling the 98000 Pro. This game isn't built for sheer frame rate, but, at the same time, the graphics can be intensive."
You'd be better off having a look at the newer x800GT parts or the powercolor bravo edition x800 board; the former outperforms the 6600 due to the higher pixelpipe count and the latter for 200 bucks or so is essentially an x800 pro with a slightly lower core speed and a slightly higher memspeed.
if i get the x800, i will have to upgrade my whole system... im broke as a joke...