9800pro "cut" but no mobo "notch"


Jul 16, 2004
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Hey, this is prob a very silly post but i got my pc parts a day a go, (cant put together cuz of 'city link' a delivery company that didnt deliver the case lol STAY AWAY FROM CITY LINK!)


Why is there a "cut" in the 9800pro but no "notch" in the slot to go 'in it'?

Will it still work? (testing isnt an option til monday lol)
looks like a motherboard milton bradley would make.
FictiousWill said:
It's fine. Don't worry about it.

phew! cheers :) i guess its just a connection th 9800 dont use?... doesnt matter :D
lol, but it'll fit, u hav to pull down on that green tab it u want to tae out u 9800, its meant to help secure the card
Yes, it will work.

That card can work in basicly any AGP slot.
They make sure you don't stick a AGP slot that doesn't have the right Voltage if the notches don't match.
For instance if your slot's voltage was not compatible with that card, the slot might have a notch up front while the card wouldn't.
The notch signifies that your AGP card is 3.3v compatible. Pretty much if the card fits in the slot, you don't need to worry about it.

*edit: 3.3v signaling compatible, that is.