A 3d scanner for the home being developed

From what I understand it's going to be easy to model figures...
Looks like modeling progs will go out of bussiness! :D lo

Even a n3wb, can scan himself and booyahh!, a character model for thier mod, but I bet its gonna cost loads
The Mullinator said:
100 pounds. lol, so its actually pretty cheap.

blooming hell... id get on eof those sharpish if i was making a mod! i wonder what the biggest thing u can scan in is... Lol, ur room!
Its a field day for modders....and cheap too...i think...i dunno how much 100 pounds are in $
£100? Jesus!

I might actually consider saving up and buying one :D

Awww next two years :( Ah well, will be so cool just to look at something and say ooo i would love to blow that up/shoot it (maybe i'll scan my dog in ;)) and then two seconds later you are doing that!
Woah! but now the only thing is how large poly is it gonna make the things it scan in? 100 or 10000?
a hundred fooking quid..it must have some sort of limitation or drawback or technicality. but if it's a hundred quid...shit i'd buy one for each room in my house. top stuff.
If they get that right they are going to make so much money...

EDIT: That's a damn good scan of that moose, considering that it's fuzzy and all (the moose, not the scan).