A book, or something...


Feb 27, 2004
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I have a vague memory of a book (Or a movie, or a game, or SOMETHING with a storyline), and I can't remember what it is. It's been bugging me since I remembered it, so I was hoping someone here could help me.

All I remember is something about some people going under a mountain (or a range of mountains) for some reason. Also, something about one of the characters figuring out that if a certain type of stone (Which, if I remember correctly, is supposedly stone that fell from the north star) is sat upon a an object floating in water it will align itself with the north star.

I know it's pretty vague, but that's all I remember. Anyone know what the hell I'm talking about?
It's a jung indiana jones movie, or mcguyver movie I think, does it also have planets that allign themselfes in postition at that date, and there is like a scene where you can see them trough an opening in the cave in the night.
sounds like a magnet to me, the stone that is. Seems sorta like this bruce willis movie I saw once about relic hunters
Dan said:
sounds like a magnet to me, the stone that is. Seems sorta like this bruce willis movie I saw once about relic hunters

I know it's a magnet. I'm trying to figure out what book/whatever it is. I'm not sure, but I think it was more of a fantasy book (Elves n' stuff).