A cat says Meow, A Dog says BAAAAAA


May 5, 2004
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it's not a dog it's a sheep you stupid **** :laugh:

Maiko Kawakami, who starred in the Japanese thriller Violent Cop, showed photographs of her pet on a television talk show only to be told it wasn't a dog - but was in fact a lamb.

The discovery prompted hundreds of women to contact the police with similar problems and the authorities believe as many as 2,000 people have been conned.

'We launched an investigation after we were made aware that a company was selling sheep as poodles,' a police spokesman told The Sun.

'Sadly, we think there is more than one company operating in this way.

'The sheep are believed to have been imported from overseas - Britain and Australia.'



Wow.. How stupid can people get? The only similarity between the 2 is the colour... Morons!
Sometimes i give humans too much credit. If i was a con artist and one of my subordinates suggested selling lambs as poodles, I would call him a ****ing idiot.
the hooves are a dead give away ...also theres the fact that ITS A ****ING LAMB.
eejits that's a sheep! here's a real poodle:


do you think they'd be interested in a minature horse?


how about a unicorn? I bet I can get lots o monies for this one:

I'm going to make a fortune selling hamsters to the chinese, rebranding them as 'migrant leprechaun workers from ireland' ... although the con won't last long ... as soon as they notice the quality of their products increase dramatically, the game will be up.
Agreed. This is one of the funniest CptStern posts ive seen. And thats saying something.
And that's a problem because... they don't eat lamb there?