A+ Certification?


Sep 15, 2003
Reaction score
Are any of you A+ certified?

If so, what does it take to do so? Did you take a course somewhere?

I am thinking of trying to become A+ certified. Right now I am unemployed and I need to find a job, but around here the only place looking to hire are retail stores, no factory. So I would like to develop a trade, A+ certified, and maybe get a job at a computer store or do freelance for a bit.
I'm not sure that a certification really helps you in finding a job. I mean I see these people with their certificates hanging proudly in the cubicle .. makes me think they dropped out of college or something.

Besides (I think) A+ is the worst of them all, I remember in high school we even had an A+ certification course.

Then again, I might try the Java certification exam one day, just to prove my l33t programming skills :cheese: But it's like $150 so I don't know :dozey:
Well it would be somthing, right now I have nothing. One of my mom's friend's sons has his A+ and he does freelance work making around $40 an hour.

Right now, in my town, there aren't too many places to go to if you have computer problems.

I wouldn't say it's the worst of them all, I think it is the lowest type of certification, it simply deals with hardware and OS repair, correct me if I am wrong.
Not sure, I am going to look around tomarow. It's late and my motivation level at night is pretty low.
there are two tests, one for hardware, one for software, each test is $200 USD.
Its depends on how much you know allready about computers, if u know a lot i wouldnt bother with the a+ and go for the mcse course.

I 2 am unemployed and looking into doing some course's iv done the a+ and got a diploma in computer networking but these aint enough for the good jobs.

Good luck

A+ is a pretty worthless cert in todays tech market because theres a flood of layed off techs that have it and better certs. Needless to say it does its job of keeping you in the running for some low end jobs. You best bet is to keep getting certs if your going to try to stay in the tech market

FWIW I dont have it currently, but will be soon just so I stick it on the resume.
Ive got the Hardware cert. I need to get the software sometime. its not a big deal the hardware test was easy but the software test will be harder. Im going to wait for the test change at the end of this year before i take the software test.
The MCSE cert is the way to go. I'd check around and make sure there are some jobs open to you first though. If you live in the states, the job market blows right now and you'll have a tough time finding a job.
i don't see the problem. just become a porn star.
i passed my ECDL corse a while ago....

*silent w00t*
*looks around nervously*
Originally posted by thenerdguy
Ive got the Hardware cert. I need to get the software sometime. its not a big deal the hardware test was easy but the software test will be harder. Im going to wait for the test change at the end of this year before i take the software test.

last i recall, you MUST take the two tests within 90 days of each other...

Originally posted by king John I
i passed my ECDL corse a while ago....

*silent w00t*
*looks around nervously*

european computer drivers license?