A Combine Sholdier


Jul 31, 2003
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Well, here's a picture that's taken me bloody ages but now it's done (sort of) I'd figure I'd post it.

It's been done in paint with the mouse (bloody time-consuming), and I'll probably add to it later, such as a background etc, the original idea was meant to be a bunch of combine soldiers pegging it from a load of antlions, but I'm lazy.

As for why I chose paint, for now I can't be arsed with photoshop, when I'll get my tablet I'll have a go at it and leave pre-historic paint to rot, but for now, paint is king :P. Took in total just under two hours, I redid the MP7 like 6 times and it took me ages to get the colours right (They're still off), but anyway -

Comments and Crits please :)


  • combinejpeg.JPG
    67.8 KB · Views: 397
dude.... amazing...don't really have any words for this...
just amazing
It's amazing what people can do with little or no tools...
you made THAT in PAINT?!

You're now the new Paint painter champion. Seriously, that's unparalleled!

RJMC will want to kill you now.
yep, thats amazing. serously, best image in paint i've ever seen. my problem is that i can do shading and light in MSpaint, but i cant actually draw the image in the first place... meh.

but seriously, if you can do this in paint, i would love to see what you can do in photoshop...
Thanks for the comments guys! :) What do you think I should do for a background? I was thinking about doing a couple of other combine dudes having a little firefight, but I'd like to hear some of your ideas :D

Thanks again ;)
Not sure, too busy drooling over that image...
Small update - I've decided it's gonna be set in a corridor of a City 17 apartment. I've added another soldier in the foreground, I'll shade him properly after I do the other one on the left :)
Audiophile said:
RJMC will want to kill you now.
in fact....YES :flame:

I am joking :P

is nice to see people making great stuff in tools that are not so advanced

but now I am not the best in mspaint :(

maybe I inspired all that people to use mspaint :D

what the hell I suck :x
Galoot, RJMC, thanks for your comments! :D - and RJMC, you don't suck at all, and you know you don't so stop being modest! ;)

Final update for tonight, I'll probably post another update tommorow evening, but for now -


  • combinejpeg3.JPG
    95.1 KB · Views: 229
Good work.

(the first one still looks the best :))
i LOVE the detail on the citezens face :D try not to make it too complicated though... that's my only criticism :)
that combine soldier looks like he's about to go Bruce Lee on Gordon's ass. :p

I have no idea what he's meant to be doing lol :P

Shame I didn't finish, as usual after about a day I just lost all interest and now when I try to go back to it, it just seems like such a chore. I've started another picture now, and no doubt I'll lose interest but heres a sneek peek :farmer:
Wow, awesome work Jimmeh!

Can I keep my title as MS Paint pixel guru? :p

Keep them coming!
meh its okay

just kidding. My god amazing stuff.

Keep it coming at a steady rate, I want it on my desk by tommorow. You got that?
The detail of expression on that citizens face is amazing!
u should enter a contest of art, if you do goodluck! cause out of a scale of 1 to 10....................it's 999999999 lol
Well, I did this pic quite a long time ago, was about to wipe off my HD until I saw this picture - I thought I may as well see it out :)

Sorry for digging this up again hehe

Some more progress :)


I've still got a few more characters to do, as well as the interior - AND shade the two other combine soldiers and the citizen :|

AWESOME, just need to fill in that white gap at the bottom though, only take seconds. Oh and topic title typo. Hail the paint god.
wow that combine has to loose some weight^^
seriously a kick ass pick
Thanks for the comments guys :) I would do some more now but I just found the Futurama Season 4 boxset heh :O

And Glenn, the typo was on purpose ;) I wanted to shound shwedish yesh..
Why don't you include some weapons for the combine?
Yeah I might have to give him a pistol or a stun baton. He looks a bit silly like that.