a crime not to link it

CyberSh33p said:
apologies if this has been shown before, but a little while ago the amazing doom comic was revealed to the masses.


look upon these works ye mighty, and despair

"HUH? WHUZZAT!!?! WHUZZAT!!?" Hahahaha, that's one of the funniest things I've ever read. What were they thinking? "I'm SUPERBAD!" :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
I have that comic, it came with the id Anthology.

So nerr.
Damn thats tight! I love the "holy grail of firepower" part. I love the ending too.
ROD, ur av just makes me think your cool, and I dont even know you.

Also, when I read your posts, I read it in a Fry voice in my head, not on purpose, it just happens.
The Terminator said:
ROD, ur av just makes me think your cool, and I dont even know you.

Also, when I read your posts, I read it in a Fry voice in my head, not on purpose, it just happens.

rofl, same here. I hear fry saying "I love the ending too"
its great :p

and yes, is this not a truly awesome comic? what kind of state do you have to be in to write something that... that... yargh! its baffling.

probably my second favorite comic next to BLGT
"Oh here it comes! Here comes the night train! *BONK*" lol :LOL:

"Now I'm radioactive, that can't be good!" lol, wow, this comic rules
Wow, that was good, but profoundly confusing at the same time. While midly interesting I am left wondering whether they decided to only rip off the character of Ash 90%, or if they wanted to rip him off 100% and missed.
Lol, I had to read it again.


"You are huge, that means you have huge guts!"

LOL This is indeed really funny... Like the Marine was sum Arnold Schwartzenegger minus the IQ..

ROLFMAOL @ The second frame on the 15th page.. Sad. Just sad. But touching.
LOL! Imagine a mod for the new doom where the doom guy actually says all those decrepid things ALL THE TIME. CONSTANT babble like : Rip and tear blablablabla and that lame knock knoch joke.. ha hahaa

the great communicator? WTF ?! :D
Heh, he sounds like me when I'm playing HLDM :rolling:

"You got a tau, eh? Well, I've got a shotty shotty shotty shotgun! Tau guy, meet shotty" *blam, tau guy's dead* "Not so tough now, eh? EH? Muahaha!"

You know, that wouldn't be so bad if I didn't say it outloud..

it was so...pointless, yet somehow strangely amusing :bounce:
HAHaHA :D that was brilliant! someone MUST make it into a DOOM 3 mod or a HL2 Mod!
LOL.. Indeed.

The guy who wrote that stuff must've been on the pot for a couple of years..
I love the way they picture the amasing rips and exploding heads. Simply I love it.

Did you see how his head is off. WoW imagin that in a game. dam:(
The Marine's IQ can't be higher than 40.
He has a rather extensive vocabulary for someone with an IQ of 40. I would assume he has at least an average IQ. He is probably just obsessed with weapons and killing... or he might have gone crazy. How do you know that you wouldn't if you were fighting, alone, the invasion of demons from Hell?
"I like what I see! An important looking door..."

This comic is the entire mentality of Doom to a T.
OCybrManO said:
He has a rather extensive vocabulary for someone with an IQ of 40. I would assume he has at least an average IQ. He is probably just obsessed with weapons and killing... or he might have gone crazy. How do you know that you wouldn't if you were fighting, alone, the invasion of demons from Hell?

Yeah you're right. He propably went wacko after seeing the INvasion he had to stop all by himself.
Or maybe it was the screams??
Really it should be depressing to hv such a job.
As some dude said, the comic portrays what's going on in your head when you're playing Doom.
Good stuff....I see a new signature forming :)

CrazyHarij said:
As some dude said, the comic portrays what's going on in your head when you're playing Doom.

So true.
I bet you guys, this is written by John Romero. The only thing is left… well, a chick with big boobs.
lol my mate actually has that comic or did have at any rate. It would be cool to make a mod out of it.