A Delayed Introduction


Oct 9, 2004
Reaction score
This is a over a year overdue, but I was lurking here unregistered from summer 2003 until about this time last year. I didn't really start posting until a month or two ago though. Anyways here's to procrastination!
Welcome and don't get banned :D

Edit: Hey you joined the same month as me :D
But you have more than ten times as many posts as me
When I look at your avatar, I can't help laughing.
15357 said:
When I look at your avatar, I can't help laughing.

It is pretty funny, isn't it? I remember watching both of those movies as a kid.
I can remember when these forums were orange...
Like HEV orange? [/fanboy]

I take it you already know the sane from the insane around here so i'll just say:
Who are you, thread starter? I don't know you.

And Hectic Glenn? What the hell? How can you have that many posts and I haven't seen you before.

In fact, everybody in this thread...WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?
Sulkdodds said:
Who are you, thread starter? I don't know you.

And Hectic Glenn? What the hell? How can you have that many posts and I haven't seen you before.

In fact, everybody in this thread...WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?

Heh. Anyway, I've seen him here and there. Not too much though.

....... these... these forums used to be orange? :x
I remember that OvA's avatar put a smile upon my face when I read a post of him some time ago :p