A Different View to the Kill


Sep 10, 2006
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Regarding the ending of Episode Two, I and most likely everybody else took the perspective that the Advisors stormed into the barn furious, targeting Eli first with the intention of killing the resistance leader, he who is responsible for the Combine's failures.

Then I watched the ending again.

The helicopter ready, Eli and Alyx descend down the elevator and walk out into the floor of the hangar. Enter "Abbot", whose anger is felt as the side of the hangar gets ripped away. As he flies in, he attempts to lift up Alyx and Gordon and pin them against the wall, the species most controlled method of killing analogous to a spider's web, his targets focused in his technological eyes. Eli, being the fatherly figure that he is tries to grab hold of Alyx to pull her back down to safeguard her against Abbot's malice, to no avail.

Seeing his daughter on the brink of death, Eli attempts to distract Abbot by beating the Advisor with a disguarded pipe, which only resorts in him being pinned down by Abbot's claw as he looks on hopelessly at his daughter, as does Abbot. Costello then brings up the rear as it were, and takes over the duty of dispatching the nuisance that is Eli. Now free to do its bidding, Abbot moves in for its true target: Alyx. Unfortunately, D0g launches down on Abbot rendering him helpless and wriggling around the floor. Costello, seeing Abbot run off, drops Eli and runs away, the words "Coming boss!" would have undoubtedly been said if it could actually speak.

And so, it transpires that word of the mysterious destiny of Alyx Vance, known to Vortigaunts and Government Men alike, has been passed on to the Combine. Now, it is the duty of every Advisor and soldier to stop events transpiring by eliminating she who will cause them to pass.

Or so I hope.

As I read that I replayed the ending in my head...

You just may be absolutely right...
Abbot?....Costello?.....Who's on first?...But seriously, I think you may be on to something there....And no, I don't mean Breen being in an advisors body...Is it possible that the advisors are keying on Alyx because she may still have some of the ""Vortessence" in her?
What is this thread about, I dun get it :(

Who is Abbot and Costello. At first by 'Enter Abbot' I thought you ment in the console. I was like 'what?!?!'
What is this thread about, I dun get it :(

Who is Abbot and Costello. At first by 'Enter Abbot' I thought you ment in the console. I was like 'what?!?!'

Abbot and Costello was an old comedy team from the 40's...If you know American baseball, check this out......Avoidist just used their names for the advisior duo at the end of Ep 2....
For some strange reason, I first thought Avoidist was referring to some of the Australian politicians. Seeing his location just gave my crazy thought a little more credibility.

But yes, that is a very interesting view. Good thinking! I wonder if Alyx noticed this and if she did, it would definitely add some guilt to her grief.
Na, The combine are clever. If they have a chance to take out all major threats at once with very little resistance they will do it. And that was an ideal opertunity as the combine were pissed and couldnt see anything wrong with the situation, because D0g left the scene a couple of minutes early.

They were there to kill every leader if they could, but once again they failed.
well jest have to wait and see as to who is the savor of the multi-universe, im sure Alyx has something to do with it, maybe something sad like her importance is to be the person who jumps in front of gordan before he gets shot by a sniper, she isnt going to save the universe, but she will save the person who is saving the universe
well jest have to wait and see as to who is the savor of the multi-universe, im sure Alyx has something to do with it, maybe something sad like her importance is to be the person who jumps in front of gordan before he gets shot by a sniper, she isnt going to save the universe, but she will save the person who is saving the universe

I like this idea a lot.

Even though 'seeing' into the future has its own set of problems, I like it.

Maybe through using the vortessence the vorts can see her path into the future.

But as much as I like this idea I doubt that the advisors could tap into what the vorts do.

Getting back to the original idea behind this post, I didn't think it was that earth shattering to mention that. I just assumed they attacked the base because of the rocket (although perhaps Kliner and Magnusson would have been better targets) killed Eli and would have moved onto us because the opportunity was there.

I appreciate the analysis though.
speaking of taping into things, is the power for the advisors to move and crush things from their little head piece or from their mind?