A familiar problem (BF2 won't start)


Banned as all ****
Jan 12, 2004
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After installing BF2 again and patching up to 1.5, and finally getting the time to run it for the first time, I have a problem.

I start the game, screen goes black for a second, then I get this:


Says something about renddx9.dll
I think this is the same thing that happened the first time I tried playing BF2 (the demo) Something about BF2 not liking my refresh rate or something? I'm running a 1920x1200 resolution at 60hz. I tried changing all the .con files I could find to change BF2's video settings to match it, but it doesn't help. I'm also not using any programs that force my refresh rate, which is what the problem seemed to be for other people when I googled around.
I'll try installing latest Catalyst drivers I guess.

What do I do?
I'm also having a startup problem. I click the icon, the screen brings up the BF2 loading picture (tank in streets), screen flashes black then goes back to my desktop.

Uninstalled once, installed it again and the problem was still there.

I should note that upon both installation process that InstallShield wizard... thing, never actually closed and took to me to the 'Succes/finish' screen, it just sat and did nothing until I went to Start and pressed Restart and THEN the finish box came up before it shut down.

I have no idea about either of these problems.
Whelp, as I ****ing suspected, it was a really simple and stupid fix.

All I had to do was delete my BF2 folder in My Documents, which was left over from my previous install, and the problem went away instantly.
In that folder were video settings from my old install, which was when I had my CRT running 85hz refresh rate. Which my current LCD can not do of course. BF2 doesn't like this at all and crashes if you try to run, which is what was happening to me.

I hate BF2.
I should digress a little more on my problem. I know a few of you are pretty nifty with computers and tech n' all.

I'm going to try and narrow the problem down to the whole refresh rates thing, though when I go to alter that I get these messages in the Display/Advanced box.

Monitor type: Default monitor

Screen refresh rate:
Use hardware default setting


It doesn't give me any more options but that.

I should note I'm on a 24'' Mac running boot camp. The boot camp part is fine, Windows is fine and I have the specs to run BF2, so I'm putting it down to the monitor as this problem pops up on Google a lot and this thread included.

I have Reforce Refresh downloaded to try tomorrow, not hundred percent sure what that does though, haha. I also read you can alter the rates by editing the .con files but I couldn't find the place to put the VideoSettings.setResolution Width x Height @ x Hz type, or I don't know where I would input my own commands for that. I don't want to break the codes, like.

Man, I'm so useless at resolutions and whatnot. Any help would be much obliged.
Did you try about what I said? Editing the con files in the game directory won't do anything, I read.
I haven't installed BF2 before on this computer so there's not been anything changing whatever it is it wants to do. I'm going to do a fresh install at some point because I reckon I might of ****ed some stuff up with the .con files or by deleting a folder somewhere that I forgot about. I don't know. Why isn't this simple!

You say the video settings in your folders were set to a certain Hz that you then changed? Can I not to do that to configure it to my screen size, or vice versa on getting the screen size smaller to fit it's standards? If I'm right BF2 needs to be set to 60Hz and that ain't obviously the case for my monitor... if I could change that... ?

Honestly mate, this is all stuff I blanked out on come basic computing skills in school. I'm in the dark here. :eek:
I was poking around in the dark at that time, I re-edited them back to their original state.

I don't know what to tell you...
Ah, fair enough.

This sucks. :( I spent the whole day going back and forth between my friends house trying to get Windows working then I'm put down by some incredibly vague fault somewhere. Lame.