A few interesting tidbits


Aug 18, 2006
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I've noticed a few cool things while rerunning through HL2, in Ravenholm. 1.When Father Grigori gives you the SPAS 12 shotgun, his own gun is laying next to him and is flashing like a real gun, I've tried taking this gun, but it's pretty hard, if anyone can grab this gun by any means necessary send some screens or a vid.
2. When you are fighting the zombies in the area with the broken slicer, most people think the zombies are infinite, they're wrong there's just a huge number of them, although two do keep respawning in one place every now and then, but if you kill enough of them the two that keep respawning won't bother you, you'll just hear them moaning quietly to themselves.
3. When you are in the mines and there is an "infinite" number of headcrabs, if you kill enough of them the poison hadcrabs and most of the fast headcrabs will stop respawning. There is still one entrance for the fast headcrabs to get through, but they will not bother you if you go near to their respawning location.

Close this thread if you wish, I just wanted to let everyone know of these cool little findings
Nice. I never really bothered to stay in Ravenholm for long though. I hate headcrabs more than I hate the zombies.
Interesting facts on the spawn location, i can shed some more information on the Grigori shotgun though, and many others probably can too. The shotgun is called an annabelle i believe. It is spawnable by the command give_annabelle. It uses the same model as the normal shotgun, however it uses the .357 magnum ammo and has a smaller capacity. The interesting thing about the annabelle is that is has 100% accuracy irrelevant of distance. So shooting someone 100ft away is the same as shooting them point blank with the standard shotgun. I guess it's not meant to be used. Anyway you can use that, and alyxgun too (pistol converts to automatic pistol-thing).
Sweet, when I get my new computer next year, HL2 will be the very first game I buy, so I can try out the Annabelle and Alyx's gun. Plus I really REALLY REALLY wanna try gmod, it looks like so much pooping fun, and I'm gonna download Combine Destiny 1 and 2, as they look like really cool games, especially as they're independant HL game not made by VALVe.

If anyone can send me a screen or a vid of these two guns being used by Gordon that'll be much appreciated
I tried spawning anabelle and it used the model of the spas 12. But when I was in Ravenholm I thought the zombies were infinite, nice info by the way.
Didn't know that you could run out of zombies but everything else was knwon by me.
They aren't that good.

Not that bad, either. I've only played Part 1, and it did have an interesting idea. Worth a try since there are so few SP mods worth anything at all.

But yes, Combine Destiny has a couple of really poor scripted sequences, including one that makes you think your PC has frozen, and the level design is lacking quality in several places. Generally, the mod had a better idea than execution.
The annabelle is not a shotgun, it is a winchester rifle! It only uses the shotgun model because Valve never made a first person model for it. It has absolutly perfect accuracy and is even more powerful than the revolver. It only holds 2 rounds but the reload time is pretty fast.
Here's a little thing I only noticed a few days ago; The first time you meet Manhacks there's a refugee that helps you fight them; Well once your done and you go down a bit and encounter a few more manhacks, and being the social monster I am I backtracked and intended to drag the manhacks with me so we could fight them together, only to find that my friend, my friend in battle had been killed by a manhack who struck from behind... Rest In Peace.
Oh, a tidbit about manhacks... holding one in your Gravity Gun turns it into a whirring meat blender you can use as a battering ram. :P I used one in Nova Prospekt to carve myself a path through the security teams and antlions. xD

You already knew this, right? ;)
I didn't know that. I thought you held it the wrong way.
You could also launch the manhack.

Yes, but then you'd break your portable chainsaw. =P

So much more satisfying to use it again and again and again... I'd daresay it's more fun than the crowbar! /heresy
But it gets shot and destroyed far too quickly, which is sad because otherwise it'd be great fun. Oh yes.