A few suggestions, if you please...

el Chi

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
I'm working for Front magazine this week and I need silly little amusing news stories (eg: that "Man bites panda" story) and new(ish) cool bonkers gadgets (I defy you not to be excited by this ) so if you folks could give me any suggestions, that'd be numerous kinds of awesome.

Also, if any of you can think of sexy sisters that have been over-shadowed by their siblings (a la Danni Minogue or Ashlee Simpson) suggestions of that nature would be appreciated also.
But not in a misogynistic way. Heavens, no! What do you take me for?

That said, after seeing how many boobies there are in your average issue of Front, my mum has now decided I'm a degenerate smut-peddler, but there you go...
Ahaha. Good luck with that Chi. Sorry I can't help you.
Man kisses shark, shark kisses back, man loses face.

Powerizers! I am obsessed with them now ;x
Yes el Chi, even more boobies than my avatar. You dirty little smut peddler you.

I find that the best news is the news you invent yourself. For example, a love story of Tony Blair and the Queen. It'd sell, that's for sure.
no but he can talk about it ..there's tons of funny stuff on how bad some people are at geography (I wont say whom exactly, but I think you can guess)
no but he can talk about it ..there's tons of funny stuff on how bad some people are at geography (I wont say whom exactly, but I think you can guess)
Aye, for one thing google maps should start over somewhere like africa or something, so thoose americans have to learn a little geography and find out where the USA is before they can find their house.