A first attempt at photography


Nov 27, 2004
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Hello art forums! Not been in here before really, except a very long time ago but when I did visit I remember seeing some seriously insane photos taken (in a good way) or pictures drawn. Now all this time later I've decided I would give it a shot (since I can't seem to get the hang of drawing) and I've come up with these few little snap's, hope you enjoy (the pictures are quite large, sorry in advance!):

Thats it for now, I'll post more as I take them if you folks are interested *runs back to study the camera manual*.
:bounce: :bounce: Thanks for the responses, I'll see if I can hunt down some more interesting feature shots ^_^
Too gimicky imo.

They seems too much like your typical "abstractish slow shutter speed cars" shots. Not much focus.

It also seemed like the slow shutter speed really ruined the enviroment (BG in the orangish one is too blurry, i'm guessing because you started the shot during the day, meaning you could see the clouds, meaning the clouds got imprinted on your film while they were moving).

Not liking the composition at all either. Way too centered. I mean, it's not like you should be forcing the rule of thirds on all your shots, but these shots seem way too centered.

I do like the rough textures though.

What kind of camera are you using? What kind of lense were these taken with?

You should try going out into nature, and taking shots of more naturally abstract things.
Oooh thanks for the analysis sinkoman :D

And yeah, the car light thing is gimicky i agree, I'm trying to scout out some interesting spots around my local area to shoot, but its all alot of getting the correct time of day it seems (must start waking earlier to get that frosty, morning haze shots... its so damn hard!)

Also the orangey shots are only done on a thirty second exposure I think so the clouds were already in the shot... but to be fair im not really sure what you mean >_<

The camera I'm using is a Canon E05 digital and the lens is (reading the side of it) EFS 18-55mm and it also says 58mm C-P.L. (you might have guessed im new to this :p)

I'll see what I can get you tomorrow though, anyway *yawns* I'm off to bed.
omg i really thought it said pornagropghy. Anyway nice shots!
Oooh thanks for the analysis sinkoman :D

And yeah, the car light thing is gimicky i agree, I'm trying to scout out some interesting spots around my local area to shoot, but its all alot of getting the correct time of day it seems (must start waking earlier to get that frosty, morning haze shots... its so damn hard!)

Also the orangey shots are only done on a thirty second exposure I think so the clouds were already in the shot... but to be fair im not really sure what you mean >_<

The camera I'm using is a Canon E05 digital and the lens is (reading the side of it) EFS 18-55mm and it also says 58mm C-P.L. (you might have guessed im new to this :p)

I'll see what I can get you tomorrow though, anyway *yawns* I'm off to bed.

You have any film SLR's? Digital is really nice for just playing around with and taking lots of shots, but i'd reccomend getting a really cheap film SLR for 50-100 USD used online or something, a normal lense, a wide lense, and a tellephoto lense, and just teaching yourself the basics behind photography.

Fstop, focus, manual exposure, color ballancing, compacting and widening lenses, that sort of thing.

Once you understand the manual concepts behind what your camera is doing automatically, you can start playing around with manual settings and getting a better idea of how to get what you want.

Not to mention, developing film is fun as hell. Nothing beats dodging and burning a blank piece of paper and watching it turn into your photograph while it develops :D

That is, if you can afford all that jazz. Not really necessary, but it's fun and educational :)
Well actually we do have a couple of old SLR cameras, one being an old Canon (not sure what model) and the other being a Nixon (which is really REALLY ancient). The thing with these two is though, I haven't a clue how to do shutter speeds or aperture setting with them :p and being so old I think the manuals have probably turned to ash :(

But I do agree developing my own films would be pretty ace, though right now it might be past my scope of work. Though perhaps in the future, for now though I shall have to just keep practicing with my digital camera me thinks.

Edit: Picture update! I took a walk around my local park and walks today armed with my camera in the hope I'll capture some of this natural abstractness Sinkoman speaks of :D (I'm afraid I was to coy to carry my tripod around with me, so they are not quite as high quality as the first few >_<)

And finally on the way home, I saw Chitty Chitty Bang Bang D: D: