a interview whit 50 about hes game from gamespot


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score

I am waiting for this

I am not a fan of 50 cent but looks like he is really giving importance to this so maybe the final product will be aceptable

what I dont like is that in a interview 50 say "I am going to storm (or something like that) the videogame industry just like I did whit the music industry"

I really duobt it 50 cuz you need talent for that and even if you hav nice song you will need more that gangsta style to make a good

but the true I hope its game to be nice

EDIT:I noticed the interview is a video and my internet conection sucks so someone can write or say important points?
<RJMC> said:
EDIT:I noticed the interview is a video and my internet conection sucks so someone can write or say important points?

Hmmm, didn't see anything too important, so I'll translate to what I wanted him to say.

50 Cent: I am a wanker.

Awww, this is game is going to be awesomely crap.
When 50 cent kicks that guy in the head must be the most ridicules thing I have ever seen... Christ.
sure if is total crap

will be buyed a lot just cuz hav the face of 50 cent on the cover

"oh a game of 50 cent wow this is the coolest thing ever wow"
Is anyone else getting deja vu here? I remember this exact thing posted by RJMC in the past... He even made that "oh a game of 50 cent wow this is the coolest thing ever wow" comment.
Weird. Anyway.

I agree with RJMC on that. It will make sales, but it will suck. Like GTA SA except worse.
Loke said:
When 50 cent kicks that guy in the head must be the most ridicules thing I have ever seen... Christ.

But it uses "the highest technology, they motion-captured me and EVERYTHING."
Pff, animation is for newbs. This game would rule if all it was was a ragdoll of 50-cent that we get to throw around and puncture with various objects lying around.
That might be what led to my suspicion. Bah, whatever. I seem to be having a lot of deja vu lately. Maybe I have a problem.
Woh, stop.

No. No.....

This game isn't meant to be good. It is meant to show how much cool 50 cents is and how gangsta he can be.
Judging from his speech and mannerisms, as well as looks, I have come to a conclusion. 50 Cent is the missing link. Seriously, I think the guy is a genetic throwback to cro-magnon man.
I was cringing the whole way through this interview, it's obvious that he knows NOTHING about what he is whoring out.
The only good game involving 'Fiddy Cent' would be where you get to rip his guts out with a fork and paint pictures with his entrails while his out of tune voicebox squeals for mercy then finish him off with a shotgun stuffed up Eminems backside and blow his brains out.
Fiddy is my hero, because he is a sucsesful black man, who got to where he is by not stealing and killing, but by coming a rap star!
Fitty, is so...stupid. The biggest word he said in that interview was "incredible". He doesn't understand shit, and he has no idea what's going on. This game will be the death of us all.
AntiAnto said:
This game isn't meant to be good. It is meant to show how much cool 50 cents is and how gangsta he can be.

infact is true cuz in the first trailer is like saying "look fighting 50 cent can kick anybody ass and nothing can beat it yo,buy this game"
And if you disagree with him, have a rap battle so he can sell more records. :thumbs:
:| This game looks like shit. Gordon pwns his bitchass.
Foxtrot said:
Fiddy is my hero, because he is a sucsesful black man, who got to where he is by not stealing and killing, but by coming a rap star!

He got where he is by being shot in the face!
What's with the recent wave of "gangsta" games? Are there that many dumbass people wanting to play these games? They all look like absolute junk to me. Shame on these rich publishing corporations who sell this sh!t. I hope the game just tanks.

50 Cent: Bulletproof? How 'bout someone puts a gun to his dome and find out?

If you're into rap, 50 Cent might be good at what he does but that doesn't mean it'll carry over to a more complex form of entertainment. Personally, I hate rap and seeing it make its way into video games just makes me cringe.

This game of his is just a another marketing ploy by some greedy executives to promote sales of his records.
50 Cent The Game....

This weeks sign of the apocalypse. :|
No, when GTA III : Jack Thompson edition comes out, that's the final sign.
gh0st said:
i hope he chokes on his success.

'Hey fiddy, you fancy some success?'

'Cheers blud, don't mind if I do' *takes success*

*Sound of choking*
Pesmerga said:
No, when GTA III : Jack Thompson edition comes out, that's the final sign.
Wouldn't that just be a blank CD or something with "All your gamez r belong to minez!!!" etched in it?

EDIT: OH yeah, topic... Uuuhm, 50-Cent sucks and should be shot... again. I'm thinking a nice triple figure number would be good enough.
When your claim to toughness is being shot a bunch of times (apparently) and surviving it's pretty sad. It's not like he did anything special like dodge the bullets or physically remove them from his body and throwing them back at his attackers, therefore killing them all.

I hate rap culture.