A job offer, parking ticket and 'sweet lovin' in the same day?


Sep 18, 2003
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Today was a bit of a change from the norm.

I got a new job (interview was yesterday, got the offer today) ... although whilst i was in there getting things finalised, some retard traffic warden stuck a parking ticket on my car. On the bright side, i've just got back in from some hot lovin' with my new lass :D

So, what did you do today?
i've been hungover all day so been feeling sorry for myself and wanking, etc
Finished my last paper for the semester. One more shitty exam and I'm done... until June :|
I went to work, came home, talked to the ladies, took a nap, woke up, played capcom vs snk 2, then got on the internets.
I woke up at 8, took a shower, went to class for 4 hours, got so bored because of my lame teacher that when i got home i was sapped for energy, so i went to sleep for 4 more hours, woke up, went to lab for 4 hours to work on my lip sync animation, got home, went on hl2.net, read through the "most wtf threads" topic, came to this thread, and im now in the process of ending this post.

/end run-on sentence
I did none of those things, and less!
I might go masturbate in the shower in a couple minutes....
I woke up, did homework, went to thermodynamics class, studied, music class, just took a unit operations exam, and going to study for a test tomorrow. I also had 2 lab reports due yesterday which came out to be about 50 single-spaced typed pages....

The exam was okay though.
I got me some hot lovin, ate some reg'lar-type brownies, petted my cat, listened to NIN, and posted in this thread.
I fell asleep at six, and woke up at nine thirty :/

I also had some hot lovin' with lepobz's new lass.
Feelin ill, not gone to Uni, decided to keep cncn alive, returned here :D

p.s i raped Pitzy too :O
did nothing untill lunch, uni over so im bored, then got excited about hearing this from Evo =D
Feelin ill, not gone to Uni, decided to keep cncn alive, returned here :D

p.s i raped Pitzy too :O

It's not rape unless I scream...

Oh, I was screaming, wasn't I?
Woke up at 8:15. Sat down in the shower (best thing ever). Had some toast. Went for a 3 hour lecture on studying + producing maps...oh yeah, big woop..part of that lecture included doing a traffic count for 30 mins in town (im at Uni damn it, not GCSE level!!!!).
Walked into town, booked a haircut appointment. Got Greggs for lunch. Came home, ate, browsed intraweb, went into town, got haircut, came home and showered. Now im about to go lie in the sun on the grass with hallmates and revise(ish).
I did 100 miles round London/Hertforshire/Bedfordshire on the poncey little 125cc bike I'm hiring. Got my unrestricted license test on the 18th so I'm really hammering in some practice time...
Fun but tiring.
National speed limit roads in the countryside = fun.
Suicidal four-lane traffic in central London = a different kind of fun.
Bumper-to-bumper traffic all the way into central London = no fun at all.
Speed cameras = pointless, oppressive and dangerous. Big Brother is watching you...
Woke up, went to school, decided against it halfway there and went to get tasty breakfast instead, then went to school late, left again a couple of hours later, came home, at home now. about to head back to school for last period and then come home and sleep.

yesterday, though, i took a live rooster to the mall and went through a drivethru in reverse
Talked to a girl I like for aaaages, and it was a gorgeous day.
Played a buggerload of ultimate frisbee too. But the girl thing was probably better.
Talked to a girl I like for aaaages, and it was a gorgeous day.
Played a buggerload of ultimate frisbee too. But the girl thing was probably better.

So why is she still only "a girl I like"? :eek: :| :)
Woke up at 8:15. Sat down in the shower (best thing ever). Had some toast. Went for a 3 hour lecture on studying + producing maps...oh yeah, big woop..part of that lecture included doing a traffic count for 30 mins in town (im at Uni damn it, not GCSE level!!!!).
Walked into town, booked a haircut appointment. Got Greggs for lunch. Came home, ate, browsed intraweb, went into town, got haircut, came home and showered. Now im about to go lie in the sun on the grass with hallmates and revise(ish).
Oh man, Greggs.... I lived off greggs at college and Uni ... cheese and ham bake ... steak bake ... saussage rolls ... MY GOD GREGGS I LOVE YOU <3
I woke up at 10:30. I've got holidays and I didn't have any plans for the day. The first thing I did was getting up. I walked around my desk, switched the light on, got to my pc and turned it on. I put my clothes on while my pc was starting up. It loaded windows pretty fast. When it was done I lowered the cpu fan speed from 100% to 60% via speedfan. I clicked 'ok' for my gmail notifier and a message popped up. Apparently someone bid for my old motherboard+cpu+ram. It was an offer of 90 euro, which was the price I asked for it. I agreed and sent an email back. Then it was time to start my browser and click on the XtremeSystems bookmark. I checked my subscripted threads and read a few topics from the 'new posts' section. After I was done I checked the prices of the 8800gtx and the samsung 226bw on tweakers.net. I found that they hadn't dropped yet, so I went on with clicking the halflife2.net bookmark. Finally I was in heaven. The gray front page loaded and I was surprised with a new newspost about a left4dead preview. I chose not to read the article yet, because checking out the new posts in the forums seemed like more fun. I went to the New Posts section, and middle clicked the 'go to first unread post' button of every subscripted thread. I read all the new replies and went to New Posts again, to read a few threads which looked interesting by the title. After an hour I got a little hungry and went downstairs to get some breakfast. I toasted two slices of bread, and put a lot chocolate paste on them, because I like it so much. After I was done eating I went back upstairs to my room. While I was eating breakfast I received an email from the potential buyer. We agreed and sent each other transaction and address details. He transfered the money immediately, so I immediately went to look for a nice box to send the stuff in. After looking for a while, I finally got the idea of using the box of my Medusa 5.1 headset. I never touched that box anyway after getting the thing out, and it only got in the way. I put the stuff in there along with the manual of the mainboard and the installation cd. I also put in some folded paper in there for shock absorption. I printed his address out and put it on the box. I took the box downstairs, put on my shoes and took my bike out of the garage. I went to the post office, waited 15 minutes in line before it was my turn. I payed 7,95 eur shipping costs, which was 1,75 higher than I expected. I went back home and put off my shoes and said to my dad that I sold and sent my old pc parts. We got into a discussion and he wanted his Audigy 2 zs platinum pro (which I'm using right now) back for his own pc. I couldn't argue with that because it's his soundcard after all. So my only option was to buy one myself. I went upstairs and sat down in my chair in front of my desk again. I went to marktplaats.nl (a dutch ebay-like site) and searched for one of those nice X-fi cards. My eye fell on an X-Fi eXtreme Music. I bid 45 euro. I continued by browsing hl2.net some more, checking out the prices again and bragging about my upcoming 8800gtx to my friends on xfire. Suddenly, I got hungry. And what do you do when you get hungry? You start looking for food. So I did. I stood up and walked to the stairs. I stood there for a second, thinking of what food I wanted to look for. I was thinking of either a piece of fruit or a pack of biscuits. I walked down the first three steps deciding what to choose. When I finally got to the kitchen I decided to eat a banana. But while I was picking one up from the fruit basket, my eye fell on a beautiful apple. I changed my decision and took the apple. I washed it with water and took a first bite. It was good. While I was chewing it I went back up the stairs to my room. When I got there I took another bite. I sat down in my chair and looked at my gmail notifier icon. I got mail whoopee! It was from the guy selling his X-fi card. He proposed a deal of 50 euro, and he would pay the shipping costs. I agreed and sent back an email, confirming the deal. I sent another email to the buyer of my old mainboard. I told him that I sent it his way and I also gave the package number, so he could follow the status of his goods online. I opened a conversation with my best friend on xfire, and told him that I had a spare Audigy LS, which he could buy if he wanted. He did! We agreed on a price of 20 euro, which is pretty low, but he's my friend after all. He had to work in one hour, so he immediately got on his bike and went my way. I put the soundcard back into its original packaging and went downstairs. I told my dad that I sold my audigy LS too, and that I bought a second hand X-Fi extreme music, so he could get his audigy 2 zs back. My friend arrived and he had my new cooling paste that I left at his house. He payed me 20 euro and went back home with his new sound card. I went back upstairs and found that I received another email from the buyer of my old mainboard. He told me that he entered the package number online, but that the search turned up nothing. I replied, explaining to him that it could take a while before something would turn up. I opened a new firefox window and checked out the audio forums on xtremesystems.org. I found an article on modding the x-fi series to massively increase the sound quality on them. I read the step by step guide and the first bunch of comments on it. I decided to do the mod also when I got my X-fi. I looked at a bunch of reviews of the new 8800ultra, which was nothing spectacular (except for the price maybe). Then I suddenly realised that I hadn't checked yet if my new 8800gtx would fit in my case. After 10 minutes of googling I was sure it would fit just fine. I checked halflife2.net again with the same routine I always do. I also started talking to dekstar on msn about the stuff I sold and bought and about what I was planning to do with my upcoming x-fi. Then it was dinnertime. I could already smell the boiled rice from upstairs, which would mean we were eating rice with vegetables. That turned out to be correct, but to my surprise my mom also baked a few vegetarian burgers with them. I put mayonnaise on them, so that they'd taste better, which they did. The rice and vegetables were awful as always, and I was glad when I finally ate it all. I took a magnum almond as desert and went upstairs with it. I typed how awful dinner was to dekstar with one finger, and when I was finished eating it, I loaded up halflife2.net. I checked my subscripted threads again and went on by checking the topics in the New Posts section. My eyes fell on a thread called "A job offer, parking ticket and 'sweet lovin' in the same day?" and read it. I started typing a reply with a few boring things I did that day, but thought it'd be funny if I made a gigantic story about it, while still being just as boring, only to impress a few guys I'd never met before. Now I just finished typing it and I'll press the Submit Reply button soon.
:| ......:laugh: Brick how long did it take you to write that LOL
haha my god, incredible work brick... :|

I started my new job on Monday, so yesterday I got here around 8:30 and left at 4:30...with some brief work being done in the meantime.

Then I went to work from 6-9 at my other job, which I also did very little at, because to be truthful there's literally nothing to do.

It was awesome, and then I went home.

13 hour work days are glorious - I'm off tonight though.
I woke up at 8, took a shower, went to class for 4 hours, got so bored because of my lame teacher that when i got home i was sapped for energy, so i went to sleep for 4 more hours, woke up, went to lab for 4 hours to work on my lip sync animation, got home, went on hl2.net, read through the "most wtf threads" topic, came to this thread, and im now in the process of ending this post.

/end run-on sentence

Hey I'm not completely unkown!!! YAY!! That be mine.