A Kid's Grade is At Risk!


Aug 21, 2004
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Hey guys, I'm having a problem...

I promised my little bro that I'd type up his science fair project and I've just come to realize that I don't have a good wordprocessing program. I was just wondering if an of you know where I can get a free program that is as good or better than microsoft word. If it's a trial that should do fine, I just need to get this thing typed up and ready to go.
There's also a program floating around somewhere called AbiWord. Pretty similar to Word, except it lacks a few features. Good luck on that report!
In the future, go hunt around for a copy of Microsoft Office. You can often buy a legal copy for $20 if you look around enough.
no, don't go that route.

OpenOffice has everything M$ Office has. Open office will even import and export M$ office files, so there's no compatibility problems. and It's free.