A lawsuit that goes too far...


Sep 15, 2003
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Incase you didnt know, on Oct 15 a Staten Island ferry was involved with a collision leading to numerous injuries.

One passenger, who was not aware that it was a collision, feared for his life because he thought it was a terrorist act. The man had found a place to hide out in fear of being killed by the terrorists.

Today, I heard that the man is filing a $25 million lawsuit against the city. Why? Because he believes he is struggling through psychological damages from his guilt. Yes, now he is doomed with guilt because he didn't not presume to help during what he thought was a terrorist attack.

So for akcnowledging publicly that he is a complete pussy he feels he deserves $25 million. Now if he does win the case, if it's not thrown out, he should stay true to his guilt and donate the money to the people who lost loved ones during 9/11. But we all know the money would be used to buy worth while possesions. You know...to help ease the guilt.
thats like the classic smoker dying of cancer sueing the tobacco companies claiming he/she didn't know the risks. Or the fat kid sueing McDonalds cause he/she didn't know eating 12 burgers and fries a day would make him fat. Or the woman who wears next to nothing in the workplace, flirts with everyone and goes crazy at office parties and then sues her boss and company complaining that she's treated as nothing more than a sex object

some people eh
thats like the classic smoker dying of cancer sueing the tobacco companies claiming he/she didn't know the risks. Or the fat kid sueing McDonalds cause he/she didn't know eating 12 burgers and fries a day would make him fat. Or the woman who wears next to nothing in the workplace, flirts with everyone and goes crazy at office parties and then sues her boss and company complaining that she's treated as nothing more than a sex object

some people eh

People are so Jaded. !!
If this case is not thrown out, I think USA should think twice about its justice system.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
If this case is not thrown out, I think USA should think twice about its justice system.

negative....its like it is for a reason......
Nothing is ever your 'fault' because there is always someone else to blame, if not directly or indirectly, and as a consequence it is naturally your duty to sue the ass off them accordingly,...... apparently.

Personally I'm not entirely sure how such people tick mentally, I guess the dollar signs get in the way of any sense of personal self respect (the one thing money can't buy).
We can look at it and say he's a little pussy that needs to grow some balls (haha, funny sentence), but the courts don't have that comfort. It seems this claim actually has legal merit, and it's very possible it won't be thrown out. I do not believe it's very likely that he will win his case, but this will probably make it to court.
Originally posted by smwScott
We can look at it and say he's a little pussy that needs to grow some balls (haha, funny sentence), but the courts don't have that comfort. It seems this claim actually has legal merit, and it's very possible it won't be thrown out. I do not believe it's very likely that he will win his case, but this will probably make it to court.

No way. They threw the fat kids out and at least they had *some* point.

BTW, the guy is a total idiot. Everyone knows in a disaster situation you have to find the hot single chick and "rescue" her. :p
Originally posted by smwScott
We can look at it and say he's a little pussy that needs to grow some balls (haha, funny sentence), but the courts don't have that comfort. It seems this claim actually has legal merit, and it's very possible it won't be thrown out. I do not believe it's very likely that he will win his case, but this will probably make it to court.

Lets face it we all know that he's obviously just another bum looking for a handout 'what I can sue the city because I feel guilty that I watched people die and did nothing?' I know it, you know it and certainly his lawyers and everyone else knows it. It is just an exercise in fleecing the state of New york for money that could be better spent elsewhere paying for public services. Instead it will undoubtably end up helping this guys rich lawyers buy their second homes in the country, whilst he pisses his percentage up the wall.

Sadly what constitutes legal practice today is merely a vulgar pantomime in contrast to its origins and noble intentions.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
If this case is not thrown out, I think USA should think twice about its justice system.

If it isnt thrown out I'm moving.

Or mabie I'll sue because all these lawsutes make me feel uneasy.

Then I'll explode.
Haha, I don't know the tempting prospect of millions of dollars might just make me want sue but I hope in that knid of situation logic and reason would prevail :(
aren't they supposed to have juries or somehting like that to throwthese morons out? for chrissake no one deserves being sued for someone else's stupidity. I hope the idiots die as painfully as possible. I really do.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
If this case is not thrown out, I think USA should think twice about its justice system.

I'm sure it'll be thrown out, just like the fat guy who sued McDonald's case was thrown out.

If somehow it makes it to court, it would still lose.

NOW, if it wins... then something is off...
It will be thrown out. He cant sue the city because something he did makes him feel bad. Had, say for instance, a city official locked him with a bunch of other passangers in a closet fortheir protection or something and they almost drowned due to the ship going down but barely managed to break the lock and escape he might have a lawsuit. He chose he hide, let him sue himself.