A little piece if entertainment :)

Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score

Get a load of this game company.

We are focused on creating high quality, fun to play games that promote kindness and compassion towards the animals that share our planet, and increase awareness about environmental issues.

What happened to shooting headcrabs?

Steer Madness Announced
Veggie Games have announced their upcoming 3D action/adventure game where you must save the environment and your fellow animals!

Anyone thinking.....mad cow disease?
Oh noes, you know the world is in trouble when eco-freaks start making games!
the production of compact disks puts out greenhouse gases into the atmosphere... lol.
which shows another reason why coldplay is a cool band--they planted a mango tree forest in bangladesh to offset the carbon dioxide created by their cd production... yay for coldplay :cheese:
well, anyways, i'm a bit of an environmentalist myself so they can do whatever floats their boat, i have nothing against that
hehe, coldplay sound great i had no idea they liked the enviroment.

i'm all for saving the enviroment but i'm against vegitarians! eat the bloody animals thats what thier there for! if nobody ate them then then wouldn't be farmed and they would become extinct! .fools.
i'm shure that will sell 1 copy, i'd buy it for fire plastic.

*geos and puts plastic straws on the fire*
It's a valiant effort, but

I just don't see it catching on, I mean. When there's mod teams made up of a couple of lads still at school, with very little time between them, and their knocking out amazing work you just have to wonder what goes on in the heads of these companies churning out stuff like this

maybe its a really late april fools? ;)
Maan... "eat som veggie burgers and you could save some of your friends..." WTF is that?? are they telling people to go veggetarians??!
If i ever see a copy of that game i will eat a big,big steak and then take a crap on it... ****ing veggie game...
I've always said that a lack of red meat causes insanity. And now we can prove it.:E
They should have come up with a better story, maybe some race thats being eaten up and dying out or something, set it in a clever setting, maybe in the future and show how animals we know today long since died out or something. I dunno, Abe's Odyssey had more of an impact regarding eating meat on me than this game ever could, and Abe's wasn't even about vegitarians

As for the graphics, sorry but if I showed someone quality like that and called it pro, I would deserve to be laughed out of the building. There's no excuse for blaming the engine either (which they'll surely do at some point heh) cause there's tons of open source engines out there that are dirt cheap to licence and are well on their way to the level of Stalker and HL2's engines

I don't know what they were thinking with the graphics. No way will I believe it "was done simple because its aimed at kids" cr*p. Even toddlers want better than that, they spent their first few years with their moms tit in one hand and a gamecube in the other

And the message their trying to get across.. Such a lame way of doing it, I've absolutely nothing against Vegitarians, but I do have something against people who are convinced their way of life is the right way and keep forcing their beliefs onto others. Their not only insulting gamers with the apparant lack of quality, but their insulting their intelligence too. People don't need a video game to tell them to stop eating meat, it has to be a choice they make on their own. Not something they've been brainwashed into doing. Afterall, if you have to brainwash people into doing what you think is right, how right can you really be?
I'm alergic to soy. I'd slaughter that cow if he gave me a soy burger....then go play some counterstrike.
Originally posted by Fenric1138
And the message their trying to get across.. Such a lame way of doing it, I've absolutely nothing against Vegitarians, but I do have something against people who are convinced their way of life is the right way and keep forcing their beliefs onto others. Their not only insulting gamers with the apparant lack of quality, but their insulting their intelligence too. People don't need a video game to tell them to stop eating meat, it has to be a choice they make on their own. Not something they've been brainwashed into doing. Afterall, if you have to brainwash people into doing what you think is right, how right can you really be?

True, very true. Unfortunately it seems like they might just be wasting time and money. First of all, how many people are actually going to buy this game? Really, why would you play it unless you were already a vegetarian in the first place, or already wanted to be a vegetarian (and in that case you'd probably get better information out of other sources than a game...).
And I think it's gonna be pretty hard to convince people to become vegetarians just by having them play a game. Most people won't play and then suddenly decide "oh boy now I want to be a vegetarian" -- pamphlets and live speakers would be more influential than animated games. Besides, throughout elementary school (or throughout my school anyways) education always seemed to promote environmentalism--you'd learn about the rainforest all the time and how they're getting cut down and all the animals and plants in them, and sometimes you'd even go out and plant a tree, and then you'd learn about recycling and maybe go to see a landfill and drive around the heaps of trash (actual field trip in 4th grade, I'm not kidding). But how many of those kids actually grow up to be environmentalists? And then you expect people to become vegetarians just by playing a game? It's fine that they want to do something to promote what they believe, just doesn't seem like a very effective way of doing it.
I could make a better "Vegetarian" game. Maybe one where you start out as monkey in a lab and you escape and go on a McDonalds destroying rampage.
This is the most lame idea ever:

- Quake 1 graphics (at best)
- You play as a cow (?)
- wtf??

I'm probably not too far off if I say this game is made by 3 hippies who smoke trees all day.
Originally posted by nw909
Oh noes, you know the world is in trouble when eco-freaks start making games!
There were a couple of Christian edu-tainment games a while back. Unsurprisingly they flopped big time.
THere seems something so un-loving about such a game - I think they were FPS-stylee, but obviously you were entirely righteous in smiting your enemies. Although I don't remember who exactly was in need of a good smite...

Originally posted by ElFuhrer
I could make a better "Vegetarian" game. Maybe one where you start out as monkey in a lab and you escape and go on a McDonalds destroying rampage.
Someone give that man a job. IMMEDIATELY!
I wanted to do a similar game where you played the exploited worker from a Nike sweatshop who leads an uprising and goes through various stages of attacking major corporate HQs, finally destroying Phil Knight (CEO of Nike).
Just a TAD Left-wing...
you know, sodomites, infidels, scienists, liberals, demons, etc..
Originally posted by el Chi
There were a couple of Christian edu-tainment games a while back. Unsurprisingly they flopped big time.
THere seems something so un-loving about such a game - I think they were FPS-stylee, but obviously you were entirely righteous in smiting your enemies. Although I don't remember who exactly was in need of a good smite...

LoneDeranger, worryingly the ones I'm thinking of were more recent... <Shakes head>
Originally posted by CyberSh33p
I hunt buffalo on a regular basis

tastes just like beef but drier :thumbs: and that's what i really learned on my field trip to yellowstone... that and, eating a big bowl of chili and a big bowl of ice cream does not feel good afterwards
Well, I'm currently playing a game of 10billion resumes, so if I find any more laming-gaming companies, I'll make sure to post them here.
Originally posted by Lil' Timmy
you know, sodomites, infidels, scienists, liberals, demons, etc..

You forgot bums...but, you're on the right track!:thumbs: