A little poem I wrote...


Jan 7, 2005
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Life is never silent

In the mid summer light of the park
Amidst the sounds of nature, of those
Enjoying the green and fresh air,
As well as a loud toddler in need of care,
The sound of a chess piece planted on its board
Was the only part of all creation
To the two that played the game.

The ivory Stallion knocked down ebony Queen
To the mirth and misery of either side.
As a hand placed upon another piece
They stared and waited, of all creation
To hear the sound of a piece upon a board.

Life is never silent

In the humid dusk of a quieting city
The sounds of evening prayer begin to fade,
People moved through sandy bricks and dust filled air
A motherless babe cried from its cot, its father drunk
Far away a missile roared out of its chamber
Was the only part of all creation
To star shouldered men who played their games.

The ivory arrow destroyed the ebony fort
To the sorrow and success of either side
As another missile streaked through the sky
So the world waited, the ears of all creation
To hear the sounds of a piece upon a board.

That one was brewing for too long last night, felt good to get it out.
Me likes! I think the sporadic rhymes could do with some work, but that's just me being pedantic and wanting some sort of order to a rhyme scheme or none at all (since when you do rhyme in otherwise non-rhyme verse, it tends to stand out more).

We should have a general poetry thread here methinks. Would be good.