A Matter of Loaf and Death


Nov 26, 2004
Reaction score
Presumably if you're not clutching a cup of char and humming 'god save the queen' you have no idea what I'm on about but who saw it, and who also thinks it was easily the best thing to happen on TV over Christmas? (Ok, so I'm not reckoning that to be an achievement). How about all you people who didn't make a thread about it. You shits.
It could never beat trousers, but yeah, best thing to emerge out of the dead zone that is xmas.

Also, we put the queen on our money, we're British.
It could never beat trousers.
Taken as a given, and I do wonder whether the vague parodies were a hangover from some Dreamworks related illness, but it was as good as 'A Close Shave' and the 30 minute format works better than stretching it out to feature length. I just fear they won't get much more out of Peter Sallis...
Yeah, you've got a point about Sallis, Kupo. I've just discovered that he's 87 now so it could be he won't get to make many more Wallace and Gromit films, like you said.