A Mormon Presidente!?


Jul 26, 2005
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Thought this was interesting. Mitt Romney, Governor of Massachusetts, has announced that he wont be running a second term. This probably means that he will be running for President and yes, he is Mormon. He is Republican but he is Governor of a very liberal state.

I know this could probably go into the Politics section but I'm more curious about your reaction to his religion. Do you think having a Mormon president would effect(affect?) the Nation in a positive or negitive way? Do you care if he's Mormon or not?
i don't care unless the fact that his religion affects the people negatively is proven.
well there's more than a few issues with gender, sexuality, race, abortion, church and state that would make me hesitate (were I american) ..but so long as he can successfully keep religion and state seperate then he's just as good as any other candiadate
God, I hope so, maybe then polygamy will be legalized and my dreams will come true
Icarusintel said:
God, I hope so, maybe then polygamy will be legalized and my dreams will come true

hahah like you even get girls to look your way.

or are you swinging for the other team?
Icarusintel said:
God, I hope so, maybe then polygamy will be legalized and my dreams will come true


I dont think i could ever handle more than one girl. I cant even handle the one i got :rolleyes:
Icarusintel said:
God, I hope so, maybe then polygamy will be legalized and my dreams will come true
And so it took 5 posts to reach the obligatory "polygamy" joke. :angel:

edit ...oh the rapper ..no wonder I dont know who he is
Ugh... Mitt. I live in his town, I've met him multiple times, I've even sang for him (school group performance). He's pretty nice in person, but his policies... ugh. If he gets elected, mark my words, he'll attack gay rights by the throat, as well as plenty of other issues.
JNightshade said:
Ugh... Mitt. I live in his town, I've met him multiple times, I've even sang for him (school group performance). He's pretty nice in person, but his policies... ugh. If he gets elected, mark my words, he'll attack gay rights by the throat, as well as plenty of other issues.

then you know what you must do:

hit this button repeatedly
Well, come the next election, I'll be old enough to vote... so THAT'S what I can do.
Erestheux said:
And so it took 5 posts to reach the obligatory "polygamy" joke. :angel:
someone had to do it... and i had to be that guy

seriously though... polygamy is easier than cheating, you don;t have to try to hide anything
Yeah, and providing for everyone is no problem- just make the kids fight each other for meals! Videotape the fights, and market the footage as "kids gone crazy". You'll make millions, and have plenty of wives to f*ck as a bonus!

At least, that's how I'd do it.
Uriel said:
Because he's Mormon or because he's Republican?

Both :p.

Nah, he just isn't president material is all. And his views seem a little too conservative. I don't mind a Republican president as long as he isn't fanatical or reactionary about his beliefs. This guy doesn't seem like the kind of "calm" type.
And what's wrong with being Mormon? Last time i Checked my religion hasnt done anything malicious to you.
Uriel said:
And what's wrong with being Mormon? Last time i Checked my religion hasnt done anything malicious to you.
Mormons believe that all other religions are not only wrong, but that god will send them straight to hell unless they convert. Pretty much every other religion teaches tolerance of other religions, but no not the mormons. They also are very active in converting, and being self rightous asshats.
Milkman said:
Mormons believe that all other religions are not only wrong, but that god will send them straight to hell unless they convert. Pretty much every other religion teaches tolerance of other religions, but no not the mormons. They also are very active in converting, and being self rightous asshats.

Wow, you really are ignorant. First off you know nothing about Mormons, we do not believe you are going to hell if you do not convert. That couldnt be more wrong. Do your research before making moronic comments like that. Second, we are very tolerant of other religions, however there are certain individuals that are not tolerant of others, and you get those in EVERY group. Dont judge a whole religion based upon a few. Third, we are taught not to be self righteous, prideful, or vain.

So do not go bashing my faith unless you know what you are talking about.
Milkman said:
Mormons believe that all other religions are not only wrong, but that god will send them straight to hell unless they convert. Pretty much every other religion teaches tolerance of other religions, but no not the mormons. They also are very active in converting, and being self rightous asshats.
no, you are completely wrong, way to be ignorant, thanks.

see, the religion isn't the problem, it's just the uneducated ignorant people who go around and are too lazy to do real research, so they just base their opinions or 'facts' off the general comments you get from the public. this happens with many things, like other religions and even things like companies and whatnot.

so yeah, could you please be quiet unless you decide to stop posting lies, thanks again.

+1 to everything uriel said.
Uriel said:
First off you know nothing about Mormons, we do not believe you are going to hell if you do not convert.
You don't think I'm going to hell for being athiest?
You should think before you make mormonic comments like that!
Sulkdodds said:
You should think before you make mormonic comments like that!

Ikerous said:
You don't think I'm going to hell for being athiest?
nope, you'll simply be stuck in "limbo" until you feel a desire to learn what it takes to get into heaven :D
Uriel said:
And what's wrong with being Mormon? Last time i Checked my religion hasnt done anything malicious to you.

Guy, I just said I wasn't talking about his religion o_O.
Uriel said:
.... you said both, did i misunderstood?

Yeah, then in the next paragraph, I said "Nah, ..." I guess I should've put a "Nah just kidding,". I thought the :p would've made it...a little jokey. Sorry if it seemed the other way.
Dr. Phil hates mormons. Case closed.