a newb question about the Temp folder....


Jul 31, 2005
Reaction score
i got shitloads of stuff in C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp. (approx. 7gig)

how do i clean them without causing trouble?

C: /format I think in Dos. :p

actually, right click C:, click properties, and than click the button next to the circly graph showing your drive space.
nah.. didnt work
the stuff in C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp is still in there.
does anyone know how to get rid of them?
or is it impossible to get rid of?

any help would be great

in the above advice go to disk cleanup beside the pie chart for system harddrive
you can also delete them manually - they are only temporary files so they won't affect your system unless you are running .exes from there (which would be very stupid)
john3571000 said:
in the above advice go to disk cleanup beside the pie chart for system harddrive
you can also delete them manually - they are only temporary files so they won't affect your system unless you are running .exes from there (which would be very stupid)

Yes, the disk cleanup button next to the pie chart, not the button thingy next to the circly graph thing. :p

Its hard to translate.