A problem with vartigaunt...


Infant Finite

I'm on the Sand Traps level. I've just killed a huge thing that appeared from the sand (it looks like the one from "Starship Troopers" movie :) ). Then a vartigaunt comes through a door, comes up to me and says:"Come with me" (or something like that). Then he turns away and does NOTHING. The door which he came through is closed. If I run away from him he comes up again and says the same fraze... I really don't know what to do...
The vorigaunt should go to the myrmidont (the huge thing you killed) and extract the pheropods and give them to you.

If he doesn't, you could try restarting the level, also make sure you don't use the harpoon to kill the myrmidont, i heard it can cause a similar problem
Myrmidont? It's an Ant-Lion Guard.
Where the heck did you come up with Myrmidont? :S

Try loading from the most recent save..it's a glitch. Or restart the level.
What's myrmidont, exactly? :S

Restaring/reloading level is probably the best thing to do right now, if it dont work, tell us. :D
Its what the Vortigaunts call the ant lion guards, i believe.


I heard him say something along those lines.
What's myrmidont, exactly?

The vortigaunt specifically calls it a myrmidont... if you cannot understand him, try turning on subtitles and you'll see.

also make sure you don't use the harpoon to kill the myrmidont,

There's a harpoon?
I tried killing the mirmydonth (or whatever it is) without using crossbow and tried restarting the level, but nothing helped. Eventually I managed to lead the vartigaunt to the mirmydonth's corpse and he made those "phyropods". I grabbed them but then he turned away and did nothing again..... Any ideas?
Do you have the notarget cheat on?
Pai-Mei said:
The vortigaunt specifically calls it a myrmidont... if you cannot understand him, try turning on subtitles and you'll see.

There's a harpoon?

He Means the crossbow
Infant Finite said:
I tried killing the mirmydonth (or whatever it is) without using crossbow and tried restarting the level, but nothing helped. Eventually I managed to lead the vartigaunt to the mirmydonth's corpse and he made those "phyropods". I grabbed them but then he turned away and did nothing again..... Any ideas?
try going back to the gate he came out of...i think
bltsponge said:
but it works like the crossbow.
No, it is completely different. The harpoon and the crossbow are totally unrelated. The harpoon is just something you can pick up and lob at things, the crossbow is a gun.
Dracarys said:
No, it is completely different. The harpoon and the crossbow are totally unrelated. The harpoon is just something you can pick up and lob at things, the crossbow is a gun.

well i never used it but i think what he means is that it can also attach you to the walls like the crossbow bolts. Its like a throwable crossbow bolt that you have to reget everytime you use it.
Theres an easy to find one in the last beach level where you start assauting nova prospekt (you have antlions)

Theres a part where theres a fire and a zombie or two, theres a harpoon right there.
Excuse me guys, maybe I'm dumb, but I really don't understand... I restarted the level for the second time, vartigaunt made phyropods, went to the door and opened it! "Finally! A success!" - thought I. But then he stood near the door blocking the pass! I managed to jump over his head and crept through the door... And what's next??? All the doors there are closed! I can't do anything except of walking around... Maybe this vartigaunt had to come with me through the door?

....I'm really tired of restarting this level...
the_lone_wolf said:
is your copy legal? pirated versions are full of bugs like this

No. For the standarts of living in the country I live in legal copies are rather Xpensive. Besides they are rather rare.
Infant Finite said:
No. For the standarts of living in the country I live in legal copies are rather Xpensive. Besides they are rather rare.

Well if so, it'll be full of bugs like that. Just go and buy it, you'll have a better overall experience with it.
Infant Finite said:
No. For the standarts of living in the country I live in legal copies are rather Xpensive. Besides they are rather rare.

And there was the answer.. Legal copys don't have this problem! :angel:
Infant Finite said:
No. For the standarts of living in the country I live in legal copies are rather Xpensive. Besides they are rather rare.
you can't afford a legitimate copy and yet you can afford a computer capable of running it? get real :flame:

This would explain why hes only upto Bugbait.. hes spent the last 2 months downloading hl2 micky mouse version :p

Some people are cluless....

the_lone_wolf said:
you can't afford a legitimate copy and yet you can afford a computer capable of running it? get real :flame:

Very good point :)

Maybe he lives in Tuvola or something and he doesn't have access to a store that sells Half-Life. Of course, amazon.com will ship it anywhere for like US $7.
the_lone_wolf said:
you can't afford a legitimate copy and yet you can afford a computer capable of running it? get real :flame:

Mummy & Daddy bought the computer
Infant Finite said:
Excuse me guys, maybe I'm dumb, but I really don't understand... I restarted the level for the second time, vartigaunt made phyropods, went to the door and opened it! "Finally! A success!" - thought I. But then he stood near the door blocking the pass! I managed to jump over his head and crept through the door... And what's next??? All the doors there are closed! I can't do anything except of walking around... Maybe this vartigaunt had to come with me through the door?

....I'm really tired of restarting this level...

Quick Save your game when vartigaunt stops responding. Do Quick Load, Quick Save several times, it will work eventually.
Infant Finite said:

:angry: :angry: :angry:
You are now an enemy of the revolution!
ríomhaire said:
:angry: :angry: :angry:
You are now an enemy of the revolution!
i support the vortigaunts. They are all my homeboys :D
I remember hen I first killed the antlion warrior thing, it died next to an explosive barrel. The vortigaunt ran out zapped the antlion and the barrel, which blew up and killed him. I waited around for ages wondering if that was supposed to happen. In the end I had to restart and kill the thing again.
mk17 said:
I remember hen I first killed the antlion warrior thing, it died next to an explosive barrel. The vortigaunt ran out zapped the antlion and the barrel, which blew up and killed him. I waited around for ages wondering if that was supposed to happen. In the end I had to restart and kill the thing again.
HAHAHAHAAHA thats classic, i wanna try that.

btw if you cant get the game from a store...then download it from steam online, which is the same price everywhere. You have NO excuse whatsoever to use an illegal version, and you deserve all the bugs you get. oh and get a job tbh. I can't believe the cheek of some people who come to theses forums asking for help on an illegal version, when we buy the game legally. Are you totally stupid/shallow? If you need help then go to a psychiatrist.
Hectic Glenn said:
btw if you cant get the game from a store...then download it from steam online, which is the same price everywhere. You have NO excuse whatsoever to use an illegal version, and you deserve all the bugs you get. oh and get a job tbh. I can't believe the cheek of some people who come to theses forums asking for help on an illegal version, when we buy the game legally. Are you totally stupid/shallow? If you need help then go to a psychiatrist.

I think people living in third/undevloped world have no rights to play original games that are made in the first/developed world and relased for their masses. I mean, I have been to some countries in the developing countries and there is no way they can afford a $50 game when their average total income for a month is around $200. Somehow they buy computers and at best they get shitty dial up connections for internet that can only support 4kbps download, but it's unfair when they play warezed games and come to the forums to ask the solution for the problems from honest people.
get shitty dial up connections for internet that can only support 4kbps download
Well to me that implies yoru calling U.S.A. a undeveloped nation! I live in the U.S. I cannot get broadband where I live so I have a 56k. I can easily afford broadband....

You evil bastard!! Die!!

Either way if they can buy a computer that can run HL2, they should be able to buy HL2. 56k means shit. I don't let it stop me from playing or dling what I want to dl\play.(So I don't care if they have a 56k or not.. wont make me pity them. I got a 56k and I don't mind it at all.)

Im tired...sick...and got a pussy on me....