A question!


Mar 3, 2005
Reaction score
Note : Mod's close this thread after question has been answered. :)

I just decided to make a thread instead of PMing any specific Mods. I was wondering If my profile picture (not Avatar) was made smaller? I was pretty sure it met size requirements (it was 95p by 95p) but it seems to be microscopic now, I don't think it was that small yesterday :/ I may have just screwed up while uploading it though... but if any of you did change it just let me know, and I'll put up a smaller one. ;)
Everyone's (that I checked) seems to be doing it.. you'll have to wait for the glitch to be worked out.
bliink said:
Everyone's (that I checked) seems to be doing it.. you'll have to wait for the glitch to be worked out.

Thanks again, bliink! :)
It won't let you upload one that's too big but if something has changed to make it smaller then feel free to upload the big version again :)