A quick question about the seal visor and knive.

Gray Fox

Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guy's, I just want to know weather or not the seal visor and the knive look the same for you as they do for me. Cause since I played on a server that installed shit on my pc they look differant, but it's probably just valve that changed it. In any case i want to make sure.
The visor of the seal is now white, where as it used to be orange, and the knive looks a lot more metallic and a lot less like it used to.

Thnx in advance for any replies.
Those look like missing cubemaps. Scoutzknivez hasn't got cubemaps in it, which reflect the world. That's what I think anyway.

Are they like that on other maps?
It's like that on all maps, could any of you start cs for a moment and see how it looks for you?