A Quick Written Guide to Looking Cool on the Internet


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
1. Everything you've seen, read, heard or vaguely enjoyed, or experienced at all can not have reached the aggregate likes of: Reddit, Gawker, Tumblr, SomethingAwful or 4chan. They're all wonderfully original ideas.

2. Absolutely no interaction on social networks, unless you're using the social network to declare just how frustrated you are with social networking.

3. Acronyms are stupid as **** and you now hate them. "iirc" is an abomination, save for something like "lol" or "lmao" - huge faux pas, start getting irate when you see someone communicate this way.

4. Claim your prefer your custom Linux distro and thus can't participate without bias into any interaction or altercation involving the operation of a computer. You're too busy idling in IRC, anyways.

5. Never read, link, share or enjoy lists of this nature, they're tabloidesque journalism and should be reserved for the likes of the knuckle-draggers at TMZ and the Gawker network.
something awful is a dungpile of psuedo intellectuals that love to stroke each others dicks. **** em
Excellent contribution, Diane.

Excellent point.

6. Don't make Family Guy references, they're so damn old and have long lost any humorous attributes they may have once possessed.
7. Pretend you know Jack shit about politics and argue yourself into a hole, then when it comes down to getting your ass called out for being a retard just say you were trolling the entire time.

8. Poup.
Nothing is cool until such time as someone of coolness says that it is cool. If you attempt to follow this up with an agreement to the aforementioned coolness, then the subject is declared immediately uncool and therefore you are without coolness.
Excellent point.

6. Don't make Family Guy references, they're so damn old and have long lost any humorous attributes they may have once possessed.

It's from Frasier, jackass.
Nothing is cool until such time as someone of coolness says that it is cool. If you attempt to follow this up with an agreement to the aforementioned coolness, then the subject is declared immediately uncool and therefore you are without coolness.
Deciding that things are uncool based on them being considered cool by someone of coolness is pretty cool.

that's pretty gay bro

but if you're being serious then good for you B)
my twin brother's gay and we grew up in a small town. I was being serious. Being gay isn't easy - especially in the united states. I had to defend him.
I meant your word choice. Thought you were making a pun.