A release date counter?


Pixel M

Would it be nice to have a counter in the main page that shows when HL2 would be out. (or atleast when it should be :p ) I think this would be easily done with java ect. (no experience myself in java) PS. Hope this haven't already been discussed...
Nah, since we don't know the release date there's no real point imo..
Pixel M said:
Well it was just my second post :p
Haha, welcome to the forums!

I think it would be a good idea if we had a release date for the damn game... and I'm sure thats already planned for if it ever is. Right, Mods?
They should make it like the Doom3 release date counter - creepy. :)
I dont read much into the pre-load it's all inconsequential stuff. If and when :/ we ever get a confirmed , solid, not going to be changed the day after it's meant to happen sure we'll prolly get some kind of counter :)
Some_God said:
They should make it like the Doom3 release date counter - creepy. :)
everything about doom3 is creepy, but yes the counter on that was nice to have, i think that they dont want a counter just to keep people guessing a little longer, but there will be one soon