A retard could do my job.

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Dec 30, 2007
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No seriously, there is a retard doing my job, and no it's not me.

There is this fat mentally retarded chick named Trish that pretty much provides my only amusement while at work, that is when she's not bothering me. She's always asking retarded shit or saying stupid shit out of nowhere. She is unable to grasp any form of facetiousness or irony, and rather than letting the shit go way over her head silently, she loves refuting them. This is great when we're watching Arrested Development or The Office on our breaks, because after every single joke she like "durr, that's dumb" , even though she's the ****ing retard who doesn't get it.

A few days ago she starts going off on some Rambo-hate-rant. She doesn't know what the **** she's talking about. She starts saying that it is retarded that they're going back to Vietnam, and supposedly Vietnam has been over for 20 years. I decided to correct her, telling her that the new Rambo film is in Burma and Vietnam was longer than 20 years ago. But this bitch decides to keep going, she wants Rambo to go Afghanistan, so I have to continue my ownage by informing her that Rambo was in Afghanistan in the second film. Of course we have to "agree to disagree" even though she was wrong about everything.

Oh and she's so ****ing lazy too. She needs to take 15 minute rests every half hour because she's so fat. Also we're not allowed to sit down in the theatres and start watching the film, but do you think this fat bitch cares? Nope, every time I check on a theatre that she's in she's sitting down watching the film. Oh, but she's always trying to tell me to do my job, like when I was searching for this guys gloves in the theatre she starts yelling at me to sweep. I was ****ing ready to elbow-drop in her ugly shitface.

Everyone hates her. When our microwave needed cleaning for being all nasty and shit people were suggesting getting her to lick it clean. Just yesterday she was asking for the crossword from some other girls newspaper and everyone just ignored her, she just kept going "durr can I get the crossword durr can I just get the crossword?", as if she can ****ing read or write, let alone solve a crossword.

Though I do lol when she makes everyone uncomfortable, she'll just walk into the cast lounge and be like "durr, by Birthday is April 15th?" and everyone is just silent.

Yeah I know, tl;dr

Felt like actually making a thread with content.
have a bunch of you complain to the manager about her, it sounds like you have enough validity to get her fired
I don't know what's so wrong with having sex with the mentally challenged. They already yell a lot, makes for awesome pillow talk.
At first I thought Randomloser was just being an ass by making fun of a retarded girl, but once I read it all, I can share some of his sentiments.

There is a mildly autistic kid in my school. I usually have sympathy for the mentally unstable and retarded, but I absolutely hate this kid.

He milks everything he can, and he gets away with rediculous shit all the time. He gets people in deep trouble, and lies through his teeth to get his way. He's an asshole too. He get's special treatment when in reality he isn't really retarded. Ever since he was a youngerster he was allowed to take his tests as long as he wanted, and if the teachers wouldn't, they would be threated to be sued by his mother.

He cheats on everything and gets away with it as well, he steals, and everyone of authority in our school lets him get away with every damn thing.
His mom sues so many people, and she even intentionally plans out accidents so she can sue people for them.
I recall once I was working really hard on this drawing, everyone seemed to like it, it was bizzar. He asked to see it, so I let him, he looked at it and tore it up and smiled. ****ing shit.

But lord no, you can't say anything about him, because he's "retarded", that would be politically inncorrect!
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