A stern discussion on the future of hl2.net

bbson john

Feb 11, 2006
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My love on you people has recently brought my attention onto the future of this forum. My concern is that prospects of halflife2.net is not as clear as it used to be. Valve has anounced that they will create four episodes, in total. Half-Life 3 after the episodes is not likely to take place. Even though Half-life 3 is produced, the whole Half-Life series will not go continuously forever. So, at the end of the day, when Valve pronounce finally that it is not going to make any other Half-life game, halflife2.net will essentially lose its foundation. What will be the outlook of this forum? Will this forum ever end? Or will it take an important role on other game? Discuss.
That will be a long, long time from now. 3 years at least.

By then we may be sick of this site. :D
Hell, we aren't even sure this site will last until then...but a big part of my years will go with it, sadly. I <3 you all.
UltimaApocalyspe said:
That will be a long, long time from now. 3 years at least.

By then we may be sick of this site. :D

And then the site will be closed eventually. Inevitably. What a sad fate.

We shall make out ways to let the site be everlasting.
Yeah, it's been here for three years... would be quite odd if it got shut down.
Personally, hl2.net is my only leisure activity, one and only one.
Hetairia wouldn't allow that.
I thought the episodes was/is Half life 3? :/

Anyway even when valve decide to walk away from hl2 the mod community will keep this game alive for atleast a decade<imo>
This forum will degenerate into nothing but CptStern arguing with imaginary conservatives.

<3 OvA
We could pull a Gen[M]ay, break off, and start our own little OT forum.
John Stern who was CptStern's brother was one day at hl2n typing on a com...

Oh you meant a different kind of stern discussion.

Um, way I see it, I am a member of a car forum which was uh, made, I guess, about 5 years after it stopped being produced. I don't think a lack of developer support is going to be the end of this place. What it will do is open the floodgates of imagination and engineering.

After that hot phase everyone's energy will burn out and we'll all die when the sun explodes, so who cares anyways.

We will be renamed hl3.net but shall still cater for hl2 and hl2.net will redirect to hl3.net.
I have to get a new hobby eventually. A more permanent forum.
That site stopped being about Half-Life 2 a long time ago.
Sulkdodds said:
We will be renamed hl3.net but shall still cater for hl2 and hl2.net will redirect to hl3.net.

yep, plus Valve is always updating HL2 and it's mods, so it's pretty much guaranteed that there will always be news to post

Plus this site hasn't been about HL2 since it released, does anybody check anything except the Lounge forums anyways?
CyberPitz said:
Hell, we aren't even sure this site will last until then...but a big part of my years will go with it, sadly. I <3 you all.

same here, same here :cool:
Well, if this site goes down, don't worry... As soon as the domain goes down and I can purchase it, it'll be back up. Just not as good.
I can promise you all that if this site ends (which will be years from now) we or I will give you a place to continue with this group of people.

Halflife2.net is forever!
Ennui said:
I can promise you all that if this site ends (which will be years from now) we or I will give you a place to continue with this group of people.

Halflife2.net is forever!

/ends chant

Im telling you guys, Ennui and I will start are own domain.
Kamikazie said:
/ends chant

Im telling you guys, Ennui and I will start are own domain.
I don't know.

I'd like someone like star monkey or hectic glenn to run a halflife3.net.
Solaris said:
Your a great guy and all, I just feel, we need someone.... a little more, neutral.
He means your awesomeness makes everyone way too depressed when they compare themselves to you :p
Why not bring back pes and make him a mod?
Beerdude26 said:
He means your awesomeness makes everyone way too depressed when they compare themselves to you :p
That's exactly what I mean.:imu: