A strange hissing noise


Feb 2, 2007
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Sometimes when I'm playing, I hear a strange hissing noise, with no known source. It sounds vaguely like a dispenser, but more snake-like. I just hear it every day or so, I can see no pattern and no cause, except that it's in-game and on many maps.

Has anyone else heard it? The thing it most reminds me of is the shockroaches in Opposing Force, but what would they be doing in TF2?

Has anyone else heard it?
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Nice try.

So has anyone actually heard it? Or am I going crazy?
I don't know off the top of my head, but I havn't played TF2 in a while. I'll go on in the morning and give you a check. But I'd go ahead and say for you to get your ears checked.
I haven't heard anything, other then getting extremely ****ing shitty ****ing stupid ****ing lag during clan matches :| and ONLY clan matches.
I don't know off the top of my head, but I havn't played TF2 in a while. I'll go on in the morning and give you a check. But I'd go ahead and say for you to get your ears checked.

I did. A long time ago. Better then perfect, according to the testers.

And in case anyone's wondering, I have custom sound downloads turned off in the menu, so it can't be that.

That does leave the GCF files then... I'll take a look tomorrow too.
I've heard it too, sounds like a cloaked spy going 'pssssst!'

But I'm crazy anyway...
I don't get it, the only sound bug I get in TF2 is the occasionaly glitch during Spawning and the respawn sounds the computers beeping and whining continues throughout the game, it drives you insane!
Yeah sometimes you will hear like a whistle behind you then a laughing sound. Idk what it is but it always freaks me out.
i have a question also. i've been playing TF2 for a couple of months now, and i just can't figure the source of it. From time to time, i hear a noise that sounds exactly like the sound that you hear when you start charging up your suit in Half-Life games from an on-wall dispenser. I can't figure out what makes it. Maybe we are talking about the same thing? Idk.
i have a question also. i've been playing TF2 for a couple of months now, and i just can't figure the source of it. From time to time, i hear a noise that sounds exactly like the sound that you hear when you start charging up your suit in Half-Life games from an on-wall dispenser. I can't figure out what makes it. Maybe we are talking about the same thing? Idk.

Usually servers have that plug-in where when weapons and ammo respawn it plays that sound.

if that's not it, is it continuous? Is it louder than normal? Is your memory randomly jogging sounds into your ears? Buttsex? Spy's sappin mah cloaca?
I've definitely heard that when waiting for a health pack or ammo box to come back. It's the noise they make when they reappear.

As for the "psssst", I'm not alone apparently?
It is the sniper after a headshot/kill, for awhile I though it was a spy, and would immediately start spy checking
Usually servers have that plug-in where when weapons and ammo respawn it plays that sound.

if that's not it, is it continuous? Is it louder than normal? Is your memory randomly jogging sounds into your ears? Buttsex? Spy's sappin mah cloaca?

LOL, damn spies.
and thanks man, i went into the game and checked it, and that was it.

make that two mysteries solved :)
LOL, damn spies.
and thanks man, i went into the game and checked it, and that was it.

make that two mysteries solved :)

I actually chuckled when I wrote that, if you were wondering if I wanted to make a tit out of myself. :D

And also, your welcome. In the words of an engineer:
"Weehoo! Woooh!"

Okay, I'll stop with the tf2 quotes...
I feel honoured Planetary, you have my Club post as your Sig :D Thanks :)