A tale of 11 Broken Xbox 360's

Dec 2, 2004
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"Justin Lowe is your average hardcore gamer. He's fully embraced the HD era, owning both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and loves his Nintendo DS and PSP for gaming on-the-go. He even helps run Aggravated Gamers, an indie gaming podcast. What's special about Justin, though, is he's currently on his twelfth Xbox 360.

"I'm no fanboy," he says, but there's no doubt he's a 360 fan. He purchased his first machine a month after the console launch, but, since then, Justin has not had a working system for longer than a month or two. The list of problems is almost comically large: three red lights of death, two with disc read errors, two dead on arrival, several with random audio and video-related issues and one that actually exploded.

If Justin's story seems too crazy to be believed here on 1UP, it's unsurprising to learn that's how message boards responded, too. He posted his plight at both Cheap Ass Gamer and NeoGAF and was promptly called a liar by many, before he decided to record a call with Microsoft's customer support.

In an MP3 that Justin shared with 1UP -- which you can listen to below -- he asks a service representative to read off his support/repair request numbers. After opening the account, the rep lets out an audible laugh. He reads them off and confirms they are under Justin's account. Just to be sure, 1UP called into Xbox Live support with Justin's contact info and asked for the same information. Again, the person on the other end laughed when they accessed Justin's account, remarking, "It looks like you have a lot of numbers."


Is it just me or is 360 is becoming more like PS2? Many game collections, CRAP-ASS HARDWARE.
ps2s never had problems what are you talking about??? sure the hardware isnt great but its still topnotch
My 360 is doing fine. Knock on wood. This guy's luck just really sucks.
A lot of my friends have gone through multiple 360's. Which is one of the reasons I won't be buying one (along with the price, which I'd rather invest in a PC or laptop).
Yah that really sucks Ive been through three myself. :|
I got a red ring of death once. Then I discovered my TV wasnt plugged in, and it fixed everything. The only problems I have is that it goes "BONK BONK BONK" every few hours.
That sucks.

I'm still on my first from December '05... *knocks on wood*
ps2s never had problems what are you talking about??? sure the hardware isnt great but its still topnotch
The early PS2s had ALOT of problems, disc-reading lasers breaking quickly etc.
Do you guys need to pay for them again? Because that would be retarded. <3 pc.
The early PS2s had ALOT of problems, disc-reading lasers breaking quickly etc.

Yep. Happened to mine. We chucked it out the window.


From what I understand, they have a fairly decent warranty on them, and replacing them is easier if you buy additional warranties through places like Best Buy. My friend had his break down, and he took it back to Best Buy and had a new one right away.
My second one died recently. Need to get that sent back to get my third. D:
My launch console died a couple of months ago, but that was from launch, the christmas before last. My new one is fine though.
Probably cheaper to ship them in such a state and fix the ones they get back back broken, then send them out as replacements later on.

My 360 still works, and my PS3 is running Gentoo as a networked file storage atm.
my first still, since xmas, the only game i get slight probs with is gears, cannot read disc etc, i rememember when my old ps2 broke, i took it to GAME and they just gave me a new one, i had no receipt or anything, i guess they just want people to continue being able to buy games so it makes sense for them...
I'm on my first, but it's starting to crumble. Certain light effects in caverns in Oblivion have huge warning exclamation points replacing them and it makes disgusting sounds when loading games.

Bleh. It'll be out of warranty as well more than likely.
I'm still on my first PS2, and it sees so much action. It is hardcore, I don't know where you people get these crappy PS2's. And my friends PS2, bought at the same time as mine *launch* works fine.

But oh well, I love it still :P Sucks about this guys luck though. Xbox should fkn pay him.
I won one of Ebay back in May and when it got here it had the three lights. Well since they sent me a launch one I didn't really have a choice of what to do with it (and with a mix up earlier by sending me the wrong kind, I got this one for free) I thought it was just going to be a boat anchor. But CybrMan told me that I could use the towel trick. I had no idea what the hell he was going on about, but I didn't really have a choice. So we wrapped the 360 in a towel and after doing what the directions said, it was working. That was back on the 23rd of June and to this day it still works. :D
Supposedly the 360's have a 30% failure rate. You would think MS would have solved the problems by now.
At this point I think it's undeniable that the 360 has some significant hardware issues. I too would have thought that MS would have addressed this shit by now.

I still have my 360 from when I first got it a few months after launch. Still works alright, but it makes some truly awful noises when loading content sometimes. There's also been the occasional freeze/crash. Nothing serious enough to interrupt my gaming much, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were to die some time soon.
Supposedly the 360's have a 30% failure rate. You would think MS would have solved the problems by now.

We've been spoiled by Japanese consoles too much!
Now is time to embrace the 7 month life expectancy of American made appliances...
We've been spoiled by Japanese consoles too much!
Now is time to embrace the 7 month life expectancy of American made appliances...
True enough. I bought a PS2 soon after launch and it only recently needed the lens cleaned, but besides that it still works fine.
I've had my first-generation PS2 since launch like five years ago and I've never had a problem yet, though I'm definitely not optimistic about the next year or two.
I had a bunch of broken Dreamcasts, PS1's, PS2's, and an Xbox (with a loud hard drive out of the box, and they gave me a new one.) All the other ones I had to buy new ones.

The only consoles I've owned that didn't give me any problems were my older ones like my Super NES, Genesis, and my Turbo Grafix-16. (PC Engine)

I haven't bought into all the new consoles though, they don't appeal to me.

He probably lives within 30 feet of train tracks - like in the original blues brothers movie. Did you see that?! Lol.

His nickname is probably 'Lucky'.

The cooler running 360's should be making their appearance any day now. That should help.
I have a Ps1 and N64. Both are still in tip top shape.
The early PS2s had ALOT of problems, disc-reading lasers breaking quickly etc.

Yep mine got a broken laser, but then i got a slim model :)

Personally i have had my 360 since launch and it has worked fine ever since i got it