A Tale, Untold


The Freeman
Apr 9, 2007
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"Jesse... ah Jesse, it's all right."

Steven felt awkward in the back of the church, holding tight to Jesse as she sobbed quietly into his shoulder. He had never known how to console a person after they lost some one. They're dead, he thought, what am I supposed to say to make it better.

"...but in these difficult times, more than ever, we must look towards the light! ..."

Although, Steven reflected, he really didn't have any experience with grief. As a matter of fact, until Jesse, he hadn't even cared enough about a person to mourn, except maybe, that Vortigaunt out on the Atlantic, but seeing as he was probably alive...

"...for God has given humanity it's greatest test in all of history. Ed died standing up for something, how will you?"

With that Father Grigori left the pulpit.


I really like Ravenholm. If you don't like this, visit the bicycle thread. If you don't like that, then suicide seems like a pretty reasonable decision.