A tasty drank


Urgh... that orange utan is just... urgh...
I wonder if that cow was trying to get rid of excess milk because she was uncomfortable or in pain due to excess milk.

Anyways, oh god that Orangutan video was hilarious! I have a little orangutan figurine right on top of my desk(surrounded by a little more than half a dozen cows). He stares at me every day with these cute, beady plastic eyes.
Urine is the worlds best mouthwash.

Or is that the worlds best disinfectant?
Your monkey hatred will not have been forgotten when the revolutions comes, so watch out, people.

I wonder if that cow was trying to get rid of excess milk because she was uncomfortable or in pain due to excess milk.
Looks like it. If the owners had actually done their job and milked the cow instead of filming it, this wouldn't have happened.