a thought..


Mar 16, 2007
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I have been having this thought about fps single player games for a while. If you look at all of today's single player games (fps) such as Bioshock, stalker, fear, quake 4 etc, gow., I just don't get why all these games have such a lack of physics objects or detail. Okay, bioshock was alright in this case but it still did not give me that feel of detail that half life 2 had. I am looking at half life 2 and other games in this case.

All of today's single player fps games just seem to lack physics objects and cool looking graffiti, or elements at the correct places. Half life 2 seems to be the only game that has really bothered to add intense detail like the smallest of glass bottles to fully breakable objects, to the niftiest of cracks or graffiti here and there. Also, half life 2 seems to be the only game that has really cared about having loads of characters to supplement the game. If you look at games even like quake 4, you cannot get the same feeling you got from the citizens and fighters of half life 2.

Okay, I know some of my arguments are flawed, but really, why can't more fps single player games add stuff like these in their games. Sometimes when I play other games, I feel that they are lacking after having played these source games. Any one else feel the same way?
Thats why valve takes so FREAKIN LONG
Eh some games it doesn't suit to have them in. What would I do with throwable boxes in FEAR? Nothing.
The claims of it all being product gimmicks or that Valve takes forever so that they can do this are all very valid claims but still those are no excuses for making something that isn't captivating or stimulating.

I think that most of those First-person shooter games are made as a gimmick, the gimmick is that you can hold a gun and shoot people from a realistic perspective. The reason there are so many of them is because they sell well are relatively linear when it comes to content and central theme. This combination makes for a product that will make a profit without excessive marginal costs. Simply put-- They're quick and easy and sell like hot-cakes.

But for all the time not spent on creating a wholesome production, it is time not spent on making anything of worth. And for those who are going to play the gimmick card: remember that the whole genre of FPS is a gimmick. If you can't make something HONESTLY interesting, you miss the ball entirely. You can make it as gory, intense or fast-paced as you see fit, but at the end of the day it raises peoples stress levels and doesn't make them think at all.

Half life is known as it is today because Valve did what so many people didn't (and a majority of the time still don't) do which is create something that is going to keep people on the edge of their seats but keep them constantly thinking, observing and in awe of the world they are in.
I would rather have stuff asplode more than be able to throw a box.

I would rather have stuff asplode more than be able to throw a box.


Failure. When you throw a box at a combines elite and all he does is flinch, then you shoot him in the face with the .357, and he dies (on hard, that all being the total damage he took.) it is the best feeling you can ever have.

Course, you gotta throw it with the grav gun, but GREAT FUN HERE!
Well, the number one gimmick in Half Life 2 was the gravity gun. Argue with me if you want, but that was the most unique feature of the game, and the gravity gun was pretty much what this game was built around... other than the story.
For the gravity gun to be great, there needed to be a seemingly unlimited amount of interactive materials for it to use in almost any situation. That is half life 2.

Not to change the subject or anything, but the main thing I have noticed about modern FPS games is that they have a very small amount of guns.

Look at Perfect Dark and Goldeneye. They had enormous amounts of unique and beautiful guns. I think we need more guns.
Well, the number one gimmick in Half Life 2 was the gravity gun. Argue with me if you want, but that was the most unique feature of the game, and the gravity gun was pretty much what this game was built around... other than the story.
For the gravity gun to be great, there needed to be a seemingly unlimited amount of interactive materials for it to use in almost any situation. That is half life 2.

Not to change the subject or anything, but the main thing I have noticed about modern FPS games is that they have a very small amount of guns.

Look at Perfect Dark and Goldeneye. They had enormous amounts of unique and beautiful guns. I think we need more guns.

I thought that in the game there were as many props sitting arouind as there would be in the real world... Besides that, I never used it to kill after Ravenholm, and the Citadel chapters. I use the guns 100x more than I use the grav gun.
Usually you only use the grav gun the first time because its unique and fun. But as time goes, you find it boring so you switch you your bigger guns.
I only used the grav gun when I needed it to lift stuff.
Grav gun only has one problem.

It does not make your targets bleed.
The gravity gun may definately be the most unique and intersting concept (other than the story) in Half Life, and that is why there is so much interactivity in the game. As a side effect, it also made the game vastly more realistic.

And agreed. The most satisfying part of shooting a soldier is the splatter, I wish that there was more of that in the gravity gun.

Hit them with a cinderblock and they fly backwards like crazy, but wouldnt it be more satisfying to see some bloodspatter on the cinderblock and the nearby area?
Hit them with a cinderblock and they fly backwards like crazy, but wouldnt it be more satisfying to see some bloodspatter on the cinderblock and the nearby area?
That would be nice, but wouldn't that change the Combine Soldiers into walking blood sponges that bleed on everything they touch?

I'd much rather have it as it is at the moment, otherwise it would soon start to be some gory horror game ;)
That would be nice, but wouldn't that change the Combine Soldiers into walking blood sponges that bleed on everything they touch?

I'd much rather have it as it is at the moment, otherwise it would soon start to be some gory horror game ;)

A bit of blood decal never hurt anybody.