A warning to ALL Doom 3 owners (CD key theft)

Ouch! That sucks! I belive if that guy ever gets caught, he will be procecuted, or fined.
LOL, thats got to suck :P

Wouldn't you find it a little odd someone asking you for your .pak though. LOL!
ahahaha, The same thing happend with Quake3 Team Arena.
If someone ever dose that to my hl2 cd key i will be soooooooooo mad
That does suck. Although to be honest I had to crack my .exe file anyway...copy protection software really hates my DVD drive sometimes.
Wow, it's pretty easy to find your cd-key, doom III/base/doomkey


Anyways, I just deleted my cd-key and downloaded the private server crack, they'll never get it now....

Don't worry about Half life 2 key theft. Once you have the key, it goes into your steam account, and is held centrally. Therefore, someone would have to hack your steam account, and if they manage that (Which would be nigh on impossible) you just send and email to valve requesting your password be re-set and emailed to you. More or less hacker proof. :)
I never thought of that when he said it, but you're right, steam kind of makes cd-keys useless once they've been validated and attached to a steam account!

Good stuff.
They'll just go after your steam password instead though.
That'll be tough, but you can just click "I forgot my password" and get a new one, right?

It'll only go to the e-mail address assigned to it.
Direwolf said:
They'll just go after your steam password instead though.
To access your password you need to know the password - that's how hashing works. The only exception is e-mailing your password and secret questions.

The only piece of information Steam stores locally and unencrypted is your username.
Well they'll do something along the lines of what is described above: a combination of social engineering and some clever ideas. The easiest way to get them is still just finding dumb people.
sHm0zY said:
If someone ever dose that to my hl2 cd key i will be soooooooooo mad

Ya but you must remember...you'll be using steam so...it's very hard for someone to do that over steam..so HL2 should be ok...and don't download anything people tell you to do for HL2...that is the only way it could happen with HL2.
Yeah lol poor people, but... why should i care i dont own doom3 :)
Had you read the topic title, you might have noticed that little part that says "ALL Doom 3 owners"
haha, id won't allow DooM 3 copies that have been opened to be returned?

id probably realised that the game didn't stand up to more than one run through.