a way to make a brush not block light?

turn your brush into a func_detail

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ps my friend says he knows your from rvsgaming mapping forums :cheers: . he said you DA mang!
thanks. i ended up using a func_wall because it had more options. yea i mapped a while for ravenshield. my hl2dm contest map is also based upon a residential structure. it should be fun
Bossanova said:
turn your brush into a func_detail

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ps my friend says he knows your from rvsgaming mapping forums :cheers: . he said you DA mang!

Errr... func_detail does block light. That's its purpose.
thanks pvt ryan. i guess i misread the sdk info. thinking it does not block visibility with does not block light. :x

"Detail brushes do not block visibility and cannot be used to seal the world or areaportals. Since they do not block visibility, detail brushes have a side benefit of simplifying the visibility set. Proper use of detail brushes can greatly decrease the time it takes for vvis to compile the level."