A Wiser Choice

Dark Auro

Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
Well, I got some money from Christmas yesterday so I wanted to buy something for the computer and I need your guys' help. What would be a better choice to get:

An AMD Athlon XP 2800+ Processor (Currently have AMD Athlon XP 2200+)


512MB PC2100 DDR RAM (Currenly have 256 & 512 PC2100 DDR = 768 PC2100 DDR)

And, if I got the new processor, would I notice a difference? Thanks. :)
Personally I wouldnt say its worth it. I went from a 700 to a 2400 when I last upgraded :)
But a 2200 to a 2800... Its easier to just overclock the little bastard, and alot cheaper.
Wouldnt say memory is worth it either, you already have more than enough.

What's the rest of the parts? I would consider other things before those, like upgrading the soundcard (if you got anything less than or equal to Live) or graphics card (if you got anything less than a G4Ti/8500)...
sorry cant offer any help about computers but i can tell you that the person u asked help from is fround our friends. yours would be inderect subject and guys' possesive would be our guys. hehe grammer error!

p.s. alot is to be spelled "a lot" your specifing quantity, how much you say? "a lot" keep that in mind. same thing with a little, its not alittle.
Get the processor, you don't even need that amount of ram you have now.
dawdler said:
Personally I wouldnt say its worth it. I went from a 700 to a 2400 when I last upgraded :)
But a 2200 to a 2800... Its easier to just overclock the little bastard, and alot cheaper.
Wouldnt say memory is worth it either, you already have more than enough.

What's the rest of the parts? I would consider other things before those, like upgrading the soundcard (if you got anything less than or equal to Live) or graphics card (if you got anything less than a G4Ti/8500)...

Right now I have:
Soyo SY-KT400 DRAGON Lite
AMD Athlon XP 2200+ Processor
Windows XP Home Edition
ATI Radeon 9800
Sound Blaster Extigy

I think thats it.

UPDATE: Actually, If I'm able to get $60 in a couple weeks I'll be able to afford an AMD Athlon XP 3000+ Processor. Would that be a good upgrade from 2200 to 3000? I mean, is it worth getting a new one.
If it was me, I would save the money for a future upgrade, as you dont really need anything right now :)
But given the options, I'd go with the new CPU. Wouldnt bother spending another 60 on the 3000+ though, you can nearly get the ram too for that, hehe.
I'd also go for a new CPU... if you really wan't a new part... The ram won't give you as much a performance increase as the cpu upgrade will... oh and get the 3000+ if you have a chance... it will last you a bit longer then what the 2800+ would... I currently have my 1700+ oced to 3200+ levels :P and a 9700 pro and im not planning on upgrading anything at the moment... can run any games out there with full details on.
Oh yea, well i have a P2 200Mhz MMX OCed to 3.4 Ghz with hyper threading, oooh. Now where did i put that liquid nitrogen? :p