A World Of My Own Beta sign ups


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Sounds like sony home thingy but it's for pcs:

'A World Of My Own' - the world's first 'virtual world' platform dedicated to bringing you the best games ? all playable within minutes, not hours!

AWOMO will offer the pick of the new releases, the triple A's, and blasts from the past, ready to play in a few mouse clicks - just like you'd bought them in a store ? only faster.

AWOMO will become home to the global games community, by featuring all the favourite games, special features, and chances to enter high profile tournaments to win big prizes. Games can be accessed via the 3D 'virtual world' or by connecting direct through the 2D menu

what? what's wrong with thingy? ....would you like to see my thingy? there's nothing wrong with it, in fact I assure you it's a perfectly normal thingy ..or at least I'm told ....err now I'm worried my thingy isnt normal ...PLEASE STARE AT MY THINGY AND TELL ME IF IT'S NORMAL!!
This has to be some sort of record. Thread being derailed after 2 replies, and the topic starter helped?
That's usually because he gets in an argument about politics or whatever.

Not... thingies.
"by registering and paying a small subscription"


Game companies should be fronting the fees, not the consumer, which may be the case down the road if this is successful.

Depending on the size of the fee, and a few other key factors of course, this should fail.
It's Stern. Did you expect anything less than a thread derailment?

SHUT UP!! CAIR are terrowrists!!! they support anti-semantics!!!

this service is no different than GameTap which is also subscription based ..sounds like a neat idea but if I have to pay more than retail I'll pass ..same goes for steam ..why buy something digitally if you can by a retail copy at a fraction of the price?
What the heck, I signed up.

The info on their site is very sparse and buzz word-ish but the concept has potential.
