A8N and PC3200XL


Jul 2, 2003
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Hi, I want to know if some of you have an Asus A8N-SLI and TWINX1024-3200XL PC3200XL CORSAIR RAM. I heard some people had troubles with the low timings 2 2 2 5 with the A8N Deluxe (mine is not deluxe). So should it be fine or will I have to losen the timings? In the later case, I guess I'd be better to choose the 3200C2 instead. I know the Athlon 64 loves low timings and I plan on overclocking the only problem is to know if the mobo will like it... What do you think?
The best place would be to check teh Asus site for memory compatibility, I personally havent heard anything about this, so I can't really comment on it. I'm sure other people will make comments on this also.
Ok thanks duffers20.
That RAM is not on the official list as far as I know. I've search the Web, alot and I didn't find any infos on the A8N-SLI + PC3200XL, only A8N Deluxe. I'm just affraid the timings might be a tittle too tight for that mobo but at the same time I want the lowest timmings possible, hence the dilemma.

So if any of you had experiences with that stuff, let me know.
I have had a look on teh web, don't have much time at the moment as I have exams, but I can't find anything really. You could maybe email Asus and see if they have come across any issues with it themselves.
Ok I just want to say that I tried it and it worked, very well. So for those who want high performance memory, the Corsair Pc3200XL is a good choice.