Able ro run Half-Life 2 on two pcs?


Lt Shephard

Hi all,

I´m currently at home, but I normally live on a university campus.
I was wondering whether I will be able to play Half-Life 2 on my home pc as well as on my pc on campus or does Steam only allow one pc/installation?

I´d thought I´d ask you guys before I´m unable to play it on campus.

Kind regs,

Since this is not an online game! Your cdkey should work for more then one computer. I doubt halflife2 put like a tracker on it to tell if you have installed it or not. Go ahead It should be fine!
I've heard horror stories on steampowered from people that have had their accounts banned because they installed/played on more than one computer. So I'd be careful, try asking on their forums or something.
Yeah, I´ve posted this topic because of them horror-stories.

Thanks a lot anyways,
I would also like to know about this. I have a normally play on my desktop, but would like to be able to play on my laptop, too. My copy is a steam downloaded copy.

It's not like either copy would be playing at the same time, but I guess I can't see how they'd authenticate that only one user was playing unless the game checked in every few minutes.
you can install steam on more than one computer but you only able to login once....if one other computer is logged on, with the same account you're trying to login, its steam ticket should expire.

Just as fischmama has said, you should be able to install Steam and login on a second (or third?) computer, as long as you aren't logged on at any of your other machines. Theoretically, you could play on both machines at the same time (?) as long as, after you installed the game, pulled the network plug on one and played in offline mode.
I installed the DVD-Version on both my PC and my Laptop, no problem. You cannot start both games simultaneously, of course. Maybe you can even do that if you go for offline mode and disconnect one machine from the internet.

Stumbled over this thread looking for nfo about "steam friends".
Thought you should know, I´m running HL2 on 2 seperat machines, loggd in with same acount and it works great.
Maybe cause my conection is behinde a firewall with NAT, so to the rest of the world see me as only one machine.