about stealth


Aug 1, 2003
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i was just thinking...

in some games *such as medal of honour and call of duty...which yes i do love*

well in them games if you are behind a german he will notice you straight away.

my question is...

Will stealth be added to half life 2?

if there are two combine infront of me with their backs to me...could a walk past them un noticed?

I know in a magazine i read.....valve were talking about the enermy chasing you. if you climb a ladder they will follow u up it. if you climb over crates...so will they.

what if they was chasing me and i quickly hid in a small room... would they come straight to that small room where i am hiding behind something?

ok i know alot of you dont like stealth games but it could be added to half life 2 and work realistically :D
Well, you could sneak up behind soldiers in the original game...

I'd like to see whether or not they still home in on you once they've seen you though, like you say...
welp i think if you get spotted you into a fight, probably you will get hunted down the "door kicking thing" just shows how determined the AI can (hopefully) will be,
as for sneaking arround i hope its possible although valve favors action to stealth
This is a rather interestion subject.
The AI can rougly be put in a spectrum with the following extremes on the ends:
-on one end the AI that you can approach from the back with a ghettoblaster and kick them in the nuts before the notice you.
-on the other side the AI that knows where you are from the moment you enter the map and will find you no matter where you hide.

A perfect AI would hang somewhere in the middle.
Question is, where does HL2's lie?
Yep, I really hope the Ai will follow you, no more jumping on a crate or going up a ladder to be invincible. However, if they can't see where you ran off or hear you, they shouldn't magically know where you are. Which is one of the bad things about Doom3 AI - if a monster has seen you once, it will know where you are even if you run through two rooms and hide in a shadow.
I read something in a preview once, it said Gordon was being chased by a creature, ran into a room, shut the door, and hit behind some crates. Seconds later, the creature broke down the door and bye-bye gordon...
The reason he was discovered was because he didn't hide well enough.
I believe it was a Gamespot preview.
Though Doom 3 wasnt exactly the pinnacle of realism... you know, they WERE demons following you... which were from HELL. I'd kind of expect them to be able to sense me no matter where I went.

The only games I've ever seen do the "not home in on you" thing well were the thief games. You could drop a guard with an arrow, the guard standing next to him would be like, "WTF?!" and wander around looking for you for a while, then go back and look at the dead guard and more than likely call for help. If he saw you, you could usually make a run for it and try to hide behind something or in the shadows and his pursuit would end in, "Where are you?! COME OUT!" and him squinting into the shadows looking for you. It was pretty nifty.

I doubt HL2 will get into that much depth though. I dont think most Combine will live long enough to search for you. ;)
i wonder if we can use a cardboard box ala MGS :E