About Warhammer 40k


Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
So anyone know any good and cheap stores that ship internationaly (exept the official store)? And im talking about the minatyre game, not Dawn Of War.
Its been a long long time since I did the desktop version but Im pretty sure theres no such thing as cheap warhammer. :p
there isn't, you can get maybe 20-30% off of the GW prices but other than that, nothing. They're way expensive.

actionvillage.com has a catalog for them, i used to buy there when they offered them online.
No way, there is no such beast. That stuff costs a TON of cash.

Just get DoW, that game is great. ;)
I just saw that they opened a GW store near me and Bud. Very expensive stuff! Best to get rocks and twigs and put little sticky notes on them so u know who's who. :D
Dow junkie myself.
I have that game!!! Haha!

I could sell it to you :O