Accessing HL 2 game files


Apr 15, 2006
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This is my first post on so here goes.....

OK, i downloaded GCFScape and it runs fine, but all of the game files are in formats which my media players wont recognise. How do i access these?

Eg- Breencasts in .vcd format

Also, how do i view the HL 2 models?
.vcd files are choreography files, not media files. Only the engine / Faceposer from the SDK can play them. To view models, you need the model viewer in the SDK.
Well the Breen speech and such can be played with Windows Media Player. Are you looking in the sound section with GCFScape?
UltimaApocalyspe said:
Well the Breen speech and such can be played with Windows Media Player. Are you looking in the sound section with GCFScape?

Maybe i didnt check thoroughly. Where is the sound section?
Wait a minute, are you guys making fun of this bloke or something? I thought that there were no video cutscenes, but that Breen was sitting in a box somewhere on the map and a camera was filming him in real time, and that, being the thing that's shown on the screens.

EDIT: Oh, you ment soundfiles, never mind then..
Okay, i got Source SDK, and i can view the models now...i'll see later about the sound files and such.