Ace Combat 5, best looking game on PS2?


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
Well, decide for yourself. IMO its probably one of the best looking games I've seen. I hope to see more of AC5... loved AC4.





Here's a few more images.
Wow.. that looks damn nice for PS2. I haven't played Ace Combat since AC2...

I'll definitely be watching this one.
AmishSlayer said:
Wow.. that looks damn nice for PS2. I haven't played Ace Combat since AC2...

I'll definitely be watching this one.

Haven't played it since AC2 either lol. This one looks great for a PS2.
GT4, MGS3, Killzone, and AC4 are the best looking Ps2 titles. DMC 3 might be up there as well since the screenshots i saw were deffinitly nice looking.
Damnit yet another PS2 game I gotta get. I haven't played an Ace Combat game since the 2nd one on the first PS and I loved the hell out of it.
You guys that just played AC2, should defiantly try AC4. Its a really magnificent game.
I doubt there will be a PC port, there haven't been for the other 4 games.

It's a great looking game, but there are quite a few PS2 games with better graphics.
AC4 you say? I may pick it up, I saw it for only $15 in the Circuit City ad yesterday....
It looks fine in those shots, but imagine those STRETCHED bigger to fit the size of your TV, they look half as good.
StardogChampion said:
It looks fine in those shots, but imagine those STRETCHED bigger to fit the size of your TV, they look half as good.

On my TV AC4 looks similar to those screenshots. The difference is mainly in better models and environments for the sequel. For most newer TV's there won't be a large difference (if any) from those screens.