Achievement points.


Dec 16, 2007
Reaction score
I can use achievement points to buy arcade games and DLC's of Xbox market place right? I thoght I could but I've read some articles and it sounds like I can't.
Achievement points are not worth anything. They're just something to work for and for people that like to tout the size of their e-penis.
DAMNIT! HOW F***ING POINTLESS! *very angry sigh* at least I learned this before I went out like a dumbass to rent a bunch of games that give you easy points. (stupid ass microsoft)
i wish that they could add achievement points to old steam games... specialy geometry wars.
It would be good. Every time you buy a Nintendo game (and others like Capcom and a few others), you get "Stars." These can be transferred into points to buy games off the Wii Virtual Console. It's epic.
Yeah and do you know what else would be great if you got 1 point for every 4 stars! :D

oh wait.....:|
I think achievements are pretty cool. I mean they make you do stuff you wouldn't usually do like walking accross the beach using planks so you don't disturb the ant lions, or taking that ****ing gnome to the end of HL2:E2
i think acheivement points is a pretty cool guy. eh is pointless to collect and doesnt afraid of anything.
i think acheivement points is a pretty cool guy. eh is pointless to collect and doesnt afraid of anything.
I didn't get any of that how about typing with your fingers instead of your toes.
DAMNIT! HOW F***ING POINTLESS! *very angry sigh* at least I learned this before I went out like a dumbass to rent a bunch of games that give you easy points. (stupid ass microsoft)

They may be pointless, but they sure are a hell of a lot of fun, and addicting too.
They may be pointless, but they sure are a hell of a lot of fun, and addicting too.
Not for me. I don't care if somebody has a higher gamerscore then me and I wouldn't care if I had a higher score then you, I simply don't care. The enjoyment I got out of earning achievement points was I thoght I was earning Arcade games, DLC's, Gamerpics and theams. Every time I heard the achievement unlocked sound and saw that little bug I was extatic that I just got closer to a new gamerpic but not anymore. Now I'll just do what I'm used to play the game, have fun in the game, beat the game and return the game to the rental store.

But lets all give Microsoft a hand shall we. *claps* thank you MS for giving elitest pukes a new thing to flaunt over people who are just as good sometimes even better but just don't care. *goes back to emoing whilst lighting zombies on fire with flares, not for the achievement but just cause*

This rant brought to you by Ninja inc. , CocaCola corp. and viewers like you.
It depends on the game. Some DO unlock things like gamerpictures and what not (Undertow for example).

The thing is, is that they encourage me to keep moving forward and trying things I never would have thought of trying, and rewarding those who do things above and beyond (Brass Balls in BioShock for example for playing on hard without dying once).

It's more of a sub-conscious thing, and I love it to death.

How long have you owned your 360?
But lets all give Microsoft a hand shall we. *claps* thank you MS for giving elitest pukes a new thing to flaunt over people who are just as good sometimes even better but just don't care. *goes back to emoing whilst lighting zombies on fire with flares, not for the achievement but just cause*

This rant brought to you by Ninja inc. , CocaCola corp. and viewers like you.

In my countless run-ins with 360 users and people on Live, I have yet to see ONE person flaunt their gamerscore over another person.

Iced_Eagle said:
It depends on the game. Some DO unlock things like gamerpictures and what not (Undertow for example).

The thing is, is that they encourage me to keep moving forward and trying things I never would have thought of trying, and rewarding those who do things above and beyond (Brass Balls in BioShock for example for playing on hard without dying once).

It's more of a sub-conscious thing, and I love it to death.

Exactly. While some achievements are just plain annoying collect-a-thons (see Crackdown and Assassin's Creed) that I detest and never even attempt, others are just a good challenge and drive me to get more out of the game than just playing through and then dropping the game forever.
I think achievements are pretty cool. I mean they make you do stuff you wouldn't usually do like walking accross the beach using planks so you don't disturb the ant lions,

I do that every time I play. I thought it was rather obvious that is what you are supposed to do.
You should get an achievement for not using the planks.
That would be rough.
i think acheivement points is a pretty cool guy. eh is pointless to collect and doesnt afraid of anything.

I thought this AS SOON as I read craig's post. Kudos to you, my good jokester!
I've had my 360 for about two months. I still haven't gotten online yet.
I've had my 360 for about two months. I still haven't gotten online yet.

Give it like a year and you'll be addicted to their awesome-ness.

Then you'll look at other systems and sigh because you can't increase your gamerscore :cheese: