Acquiring health in Half-Life 2


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
I am sorry if this has been discussed and answered before, but I am just curious.

How will you be able to acquire health in HL-2?

Will it be similar to Grand Theft Auto 3, by walking through the heart icons spread throughout the city?
Or will it be like Max Payne, chewing painkillers to relieve the pain?
Maybe similar to The Getaway, by leaning against a wall and catching your breath.
Or possibly exactly like many generic FPS, breaking open crates to reveal the hidden health you desperately need.
Or maybe like Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, heading over to the nearby fast food resaurant and ordering up a hamburger or pizza.
Or like Medal of Honor, drinking water canteens, bandaging up, and acquiring medical aid kits.
Or possibly similar to Halo, where your health regenerates automatically after you've taken damage.
Maybe like Painkiller, capturing the souls of the recently killed.
Or possibly the most ruthless way to get health, Postal 2, by smoking a piece pipe, eating pizzas, or munching on glazed donuts.

So, what in HL-2 will help you "up" your health? Will HL-2, break out with a new way of acquiring health or just another simple and redundant health icon? Or maybe no health at all.
I think it will be similar to Half-Life except no health/HEV stations, just health kits placed all around game.
It'll be the standard wall-mounted health rechargers and medical kits, I'm sure.
They've said they're experimenting with more natural forms of health replenishment, similar to the way a scientist might inject you in the original Half-Life. Having said that, Gordon clearly uses a health pack in the E32004 demo, and the typical "smash crate pickup goodies" ethos seems to be intact.
I think there will be alot of different ways, health kits, chargers, medical npc's, maybe even food (although i doubt it)
User Name said:
Or maybe like Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, heading over to the nearby fast food resaurant and ordering up a hamburger or pizza.

Could you even order Fast-food in Vice City? You could deliver Pizza's thats about it. I know in GTA: San Andreas, you can eat fast-food to keep up your stamina, and the more you eat, the fatter you get.
Dedatorv said:
I think it will be similar to Half-Life except no health/HEV stations, just health kits placed all around game.

actually, there will be charging up stations

--for the rest its just finding batteries and healthkits... in crates and outside
subtlesnake said:
...the typical "smash crate pickup goodies" ethos seems to be intact.

To me, there's something subtly gratifying about smashing a crate with a crowbar (and about watching a crate being smashed with the Manipulator). I hope it's still a part of the game.
Harryz said:
Could you even order Fast-food in Vice City? You could deliver Pizza's thats about it. I know in GTA: San Andreas, you can eat fast-food to keep up your stamina, and the more you eat, the fatter you get.
Yes, you could order fast food in Vice City. Just go inside the pizza place and walk up to the counter and you can order a pizza. Same goes with the burger thing. Go to the indoor mall, and there is a food court where you can ring up a burger for some good eatin'.
Yeah, it will be almost exactly like the first half-life, they will just be commercial health charge stations, although i dont think they will be as plentiful
The last "info from Valve" post confirms the charging stations in the question about the "use" key. I think that that was the first official word I had seen about the return of the chargers.
It would appear I've missed a rather interesting caveat of Vice City's gameplay.
a very good guess in my opinion
it's going to be everything. Health kits, injections, possibly even wall mounts.
User Name said:
How will you be able to acquire health in HL-2?

How would we know?

BTW, I don't think there would be many wall mounts, since that would be pretty stupid. Not everyone in the city wears ahazard suit, you know.
volume said:
How would we know?

BTW, I don't think there would be many wall mounts, since that would be pretty stupid. Not everyone in the city wears ahazard suit, you know.

actually theres a perfectly good explaination for that, but that would be beta spoilers :p

Same goes for other means of getting health :p
you know that soda machines gave you health in the original halflife, so why is food so far-fetched in HL2

PS-you need to be below 40 I think
Soda machines always just dumped soda on the ground for me. Scientists gave you life if you were below 50% though.
Ahnteis said:
Soda machines always just dumped soda on the ground for me. Scientists gave you life if you were below 50% though.
They don't give you health when you shoot them, only when you press the buttons and are standing directly in front of them.
BigGoose2006 said:
They don't give you health when you shoot them, only when you press the buttons and are standing directly in front of them.

What is it with games and the abbility to drink excessive ammounts of soda, Deus Ex , Half-Life, Shenmue to name but a few.

In blueshift u could blow up some storage crates in one level that had health giving soda cans inside.
It's obvious VALVe is going to try to keep it as realistic as possible yet in the same idea as HL1. Medkits and batteries in the field and chargers in the labs, prisons, and other buildings.

It would be pretty sad if you replenished health by eating G-Man brand doughnuts.
WaterMelon34 said:
It's obvious VALVe is going to try to keep it as realistic as possible yet in the same idea as HL1. Medkits and batteries in the field and chargers in the labs, prisons, and other buildings.

It would be pretty sad if you replenished health by eating G-Man brand doughnuts.

Or a big glowing pink and green gift parcel with GORDON-o-HEALTH, written on it.