Act of War Expansion Media!

that looks reallly boring....i'd rather poop all day than play that.
People actually liked Act of War?
The only groundbreaking thing was the visuals, I felt so stupid when I got it, the story was so long and tried to combine it with a kind of C+C cloned genre
It wasn’t as good as C&C but it filled a “pick up and play” RTS hole for a while. I’ll probably play it, is it expansion or sequel?
Edit: Never mind. I should have read the thread title a bit closer.
Age of Empires and Supreme Commander ftw!
Well i've only played AoE I and II (and their exapnsions) and they rocked. Getting AoE III collectors edition for christmas and will undoubtably get IV and V when they're relased.
Was disapointed with AOE 4 and I threw my copy for AOW in the garbage due to the weak online play and unable to find players to play at peak gaming times of the day. Civ 4 & Star wars empire at war, supreme commander seem like good contenders in the strategy game category.
Holy shit!?! You're excited about something?!?!?
PickledGecko said:
It wasn’t as good as C&C but it filled a “pick up and play” RTS hole for a while. I’ll probably play it, is it expansion or sequel?
Edit: Never mind. I should have read the thread title a bit closer.

Thats how i felt. Its a expansion.

Its not the BEST but it was very good looking and fun while it lasted. I want the expansion because it ****ing looks kickass.

Supreme Commander
Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends

ftw tho.
I really liked Act Of War and personally think its much better than C&C Generals (Which it does emulate to a point.)

Although what does get it props is the more noticeable realism to it. Tanks can't stand up to much before blowing up. Aircraft are stupidly fragile and infantry are weak but can be moved in a way that allows them to be hidden. Not to mention they move fast.

That and the story was nice considering most RTS's have very little story anyway. Also, how they implimented the story so it comes through as you play through little video screens seemed like something fresh and exciting.