Act of War


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
Can anyone who has played this game give me their thoughts on it? It seems quite interesting and I was looking for a good, modern RTS other than C&C Generals. Are the units realistic/believeable?

Thanks for the help
I liked it alot, not quite as good as the old C&C games (gameplay wise), but I enjoyed it. Be prepared to have alot of problems with it...i know I did. VERY buggy...maybe they fixed it by now though.
Good game, worst thing being that multiplayer was laggy. Singleplayer was great though and the A.I. decent. The actors in the cutscenes where not great but they should be given credit for not using in game cutscenes.

Overall the game is worth purchasing.
Not to mention that Act Of War has a slightly higher realism factor. Tanks can only take a few anti tank rockets or shells rather than a load for example.

Even though its pretty much Generals++ it still has enough for it to be that much better.