activision confirms doom3 releasedate - friday the 13th

:naughty: Indeed a neat date. I was hoping to get the game before my B-day which is August 11th, oh well no biggie.
I vaguely remember other games with symbolic release dates.... anyone know any?
No, don't think so. But this game is sorta special, with all the hell and stuff.
:hmph: I think ID has something planned, a game about demons and hell being released on Firday the 13th... suspicious, I think they are trying to take over ther world!

Gabe Newell: Half-life 2 will come on 30th Spetember 2003, for sure. I own j00 Carmack!

Carmack: @#$@%....


Carmack: Doom III on 13th August. p3wn3d n3wb!111!!

Gabe: @#$%^
What is it with friday the 13th? if anything bad happens on that day it does'nt come down to the date (friday 13th) could of happened on saturday the 14th :stare:

Unlucky things happen everyday, friday the 13th is no different lmao.
ailevation said:
:naughty: Indeed a neat date. I was hoping to get the game before my B-day which is August 11th, oh well no biggie.
That is the most original and ironic date set for a Horror Genre
lans said:

Gabe Newell: Half-life 2 will come on 30th Spetember 2003, for sure. I own j00 Carmack!

Carmack: @#$@%....


Carmack: Doom III on 13th August. p3wn3d n3wb!111!!

Gabe: @#$%^

summer 2003:
Gabe: The game will be released September 2003

Spring 2004:
Gabe: The game will be released this summer

Doug Lombardi: We hope the game will be in the stores by fall

damn, is there gonna be anything creepier than playing this game on friday the 13th at night with the lights off and full blown surround sound?

i hope i survive the heart attack to see HL2 released
Hm, someone is gonna have to tell me weither its worth the money or not.
SnowBall said:
Hm, someone is gonna have to tell me weither its worth the money or not.

Ok. It's worth the money.

By the way, I'm suprised you guys are accepting this news so easily. There has been no official word on this, just like the August 3rd date, except the August 3rd date has major retailers backing it saying it's confirmed, while this news is from some random foreign website. Not to mention the US getting the game earlier is almost guaranteed.
Friday the 13th sounds too official to be fake.. let's not curse it, Soundwave :)
Well it may well be for Norway or whatever, but I still say it's the August 3rd date (for US at least), not just cause I want it to be either, but because there's alot of evidence pointing to that likelihood.

If worse comes to worse, the 13th it is. Although that would be strange seeing as QuakeCon would have already started by then, and we know for a fact now that it'll be out by then.
Hm. Ah, okay, you're right. I thought you meant it might not be released until later.. August 3rd if fine with me, even better :)

ShadowFox said:
Why hasen't this been posted anywhere else?

To screw with your mind :)
Holy shit, thats s ****en awsome release date, damn, I bet they could have released it sooner but they wanted to release it on a spooky date, oh well but yeah props for ID.
Heh. It's coming on my birthday. Didn't even realise it when I was looking at the date. Didn't even realise my birthday was on a friday this year.
this is atleast the norwegian releasedate. that is the webpage of the biggest newspaper in norway. it is a bloody seriuos one too.
US is almost guaranteed to get it sooner, not to mention that release date in the US wouldn't allow people to even get the game installed and running on their PCs before QuakeCon started.
unless Johnneh C. says it... it ain't true

EDIT: can someone translate the link?
Letters said:
Ah, sweet! :D

Back to your normal britney avatar, eh? :p

Anyway, the date means that the game is jinxed, and will not/can not be better than HL2.
Sounds right. QuakeCon is starting the 12th, and you can sign to be in the DOOM³ contest in QuakeCon (128 can sign up). A signing up could take a day, and after the 12th, well, I think it's the 13th. BOOM. Nice one ID. Hope this is right.
Minimal specs will be a 666 processor, 666 megs of hd space, 666 megs of ram, at least 66.6 megs of graphics memory and your soul. Cheap for full on dynamic lighting no?

;) I really haven't a clue
Well, I wouldnt go as far as calling VG "bloody serious", but they do have a decent coverage of the games industry in general. I should mention they "reviewed" the HL2 pre-alpha leak with screens and spoilers.... Major bummer. Anyway, I trust the release date they have is for real, as I really can`t see any reason for them to put something like that up if it was fake. It`s not like people read their site just for the gaming news...
Raxxman said:
Minimal specs will be a 666 processor, 666 megs of hd space, 666 megs of ram, at least 66.6 megs of graphics memory and your soul. Cheap for full on dynamic lighting no?

;) I really haven't a clue
Wootage my 666 comp shall rule the day.